UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program


They randomly assign you a roommate if you don’t have a preference. Which is what most people end up doing. Rarely do people know each other to room together.

It used to be that you would all be on the same floor. But thanks to my class and the one below us, we were all so obnoxious together that they had to separate us. Which sucks because that was literally the best time of med school. Anyways now you are all in the same buliding but scattered over all the floors.

Later in the summer after you accept and stuff you will be able to see your room assignment and roommate you were assigned on pathway.

I would say you should do random because then it’s more fun. But I do know that your roommate and most likely you suite mates will def be from the program. Unless things have changed in the last 4 years or so.