Time for another thread for B and C students

Well, it looks as though she may have made a decision.

We were talking yesterday. She brought up the subject of college. I said that I had been bored, and had come up with pros and cons of her top 4 choices if she wanted them. (Local CC, Buffalo State, SUNY Delhi and Plymouth.) She said she didn’t think she needed to see them; she thought that Plymouth was where she “should be.”

We talked briefly about the Parable of the Flood. And I said that when God tells you where you should be, then it’s easy-- that’s where you should be. But that she should go into it with enthusiasm. If she hated it, she could always transfer, but she should go into it with the intention of loving it.

Mail came from Plymouth yesterday, with the finances. The combined $5000 they’re giving her and a $5000 loan bring her total down to $23,000 a year— pretty much what we would pay at SUNY. I think she was surprised to learn that, and is OK with the idea of a $5000 a year loan.

She was more active on the group chat yesterday-- she has a lead on a roommate from MA who sounds really nice. And another girl contacted her, saying that since they shared the same first name they really should become friends.

I’ll check with her today before putting down the deposit-- I learned a while ago that if I push too fast, she’ll push back. But it looks as though she’s ready to commit.

It will be so very nice to have this decision behind her!

And, in other news, she was offered a second part time job a while ago. In addition to her job at a local Italian Ices stand, she’s also hostessing at a diner. (We go there a lot after Sunday mass. The owner literally asked her whether she would be interested in the job. He knows that her first loyalty is to the other job and he’s fine with that.) She says it’s easy money-- and it’s year round. So she would have work if she wanted it over school breaks, when the Ices place is closed for the winter.She’s worked a few times already and likes it. So that’s more money in the bank for next year.