BS/MD Results - Class of 2019

Posting for my son

GPA: 4.0 (UW), 4.46 (W) at the time of application

Class Rank: top 1%

ACT: 35
SAT: 1550

SAT Subject Tests:
Math 2: 800
Chemistry 770
Biology 750


  • US History
  • Human Geography
  • Chemistry
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Psychology
  • Computer
  • Physics
  • Calculus
  • Biology

Teacher / Counselor Recs: Excellent I guess.

State: IL
Gender: M
Ethnicity: Asian Indian America
Income: >500k
Hooks: None


  • National Merit Finalist Scholar
  • Student of the Year, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior
  • AP Scholar with Distinction
  • ICTM Regional and State
    -WYSE Regional
  • Academic honors

Major ECs:

  • Medical and Humanitarian Mission to Bangladesh to help with Rohingya Refugees
  • Medical and Humanitarian Mission to Dominican Republic
  • Research for 2 yrs in Neurosciences Institute with 2 papers sent to National Meetings
  • Rubin’s Mini Medical School
  • NSCL Harvard Medical School
    -National Honor Society President
    -Worked with Refugee kids and taught them English and helped them with the culture shock.

Community Service:

  • 300+ community hours over 3.5yrs in various places.

Medically related activities:

  • Shadowing IM, Peads, Psychiatrist and Neurologist 120+ hours
    -Research for 2 yrs in Neurosciences Institute with 2 papers sent to National Meetings

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:

  1. Boston Univ SMED - ACCEPTED with 20K Scholarship as NMF
  2. UMKC BA/MD – ACCEPTED no Scholarship
  3. Baylor2Baylor - ACCEPTED with complete UG Tuition Regent’s Gold Scholarship
  4. FAU SOM - ACCEPTED with complete UG Tuition Scholarship as NMF
  5. UIC-GPPA - ACCEPTED with 8K UG Tuition Scholarship
  6. Univ of Toledo Bac2 MD - ACCEPTED with complete UG Scholarship
  7. SLC Med Scholar - ACCETPTED with 25K Scholarship
  8. Rutgers/NJMS - ACCEPTED with complete UG Scholarship
  9. Univ of Cincinnati Dual Connection - Declined Interview
  10. Oklahoma Univ Humanities - Declined Interview
  11. UPitt SOM - rejected post- interview
  12. RPI/AMC PS - rejected pre-interview
  13. Penn State PMM - rejected pre-interview
  14. NU HPME - rejected pre-interview
  15. Brown PLME - rejected
  16. Rice/Baylor - rejected pre-interview.

DECISION: Boston Univ SMED with 20K scholarship

Reflection: It had been a roller coaster ride for both son and myself. A strong advice is the Juniors start working in your summer before Senior year on ESSAYS, it will take a toll on you.
As you apply you get some acceptance and some rejections its a part of the game.
You just need one acceptance and you are set so don’t loose hope with rejections. Also apply to 12-15 BSMD programs. We initially applied to around 8 and after being on CC we applied to more BSMD Programs.
Research, Medical Shadowing Physicians, Medical and Humanitarian Missions all helped son in getting multiple interviews.
He was asked in almost all interviews regarding his Medical and Humanitarian Missions. If you can go on a medical mission that will a plus.
We met lot of smart kids during the interviews and it was fun to go along with son on these interviews and meet faculty at different medical schools. It was an awesome experience…getting ready for my daughter who will be senior next year