Looking for advice in Merit aid for a top 1% student

Well, it’s certainly a lot of pressure to know you have to get a high paying job. It would be nice if that was a choice and not a must. What if they want to move to some LCOL area that just doesn’t have the income potential. Or want to do mission work for awhile? It just limits your options a lot having that loan noose around your neck.

Two of my BIL’s went to law school. One took on a crap ton of debt and is now driving trucks for the oil fields in ND to pay his loans. He couldn’t get a position that paid enough in law and couldn’t afford to take a lower paying job to work his way up, so oil fields it is. The other one took out no debt (or very minimal if there was any) I’m not sure how he did it exactly. I know he was working for a firm as an undergrad and I think they covered all or a lot of his law school, plus there was a lot of need-based aid in undergrad (his brother got the same there). He has his own law firm now and is doing extremely well.