2020 Prep School Stats/EC's Thread

The official 2020 prep school stats/ec’s thread. Credit goes to @atria and @ChoatieMom for the format

**Note: this thread is FOR RESULTS ONLY! Any commentary (congratulations, commiseration, etc.) shall only be spoken about on other threads. (Namely the Official 2020 Freakout Thread)

Format (copy & paste all thing below):
Wait listed:
Likely Attending:

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted:
• Rank:
• Other stats:

• Interviews:
• Essays:
• Math Rec:
• English Rec:
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec:
• Principal/Counselor Rec:
• Sports (if any):
• Instruments (if any):
• Other ECs (if any):
• Hook:

• State or Country:
• Current School Type:
• Ethnicity:
• Gender:
• Grade Applying For:
• Age:
• Financial Aid/Full Pay:



Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?


General Comments:
Please do NOT post your stats/ecs until you receive all of your decisions. Otherwise, the posts will be deleted without notice or comment.

Accepted: Exeter, George, L’ville
Rejected: none
Wait listed: none
Likely Attending: public high school

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: V95 Q91 R97 Overall: 98
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0 UW
• Rank:
• Other stats:

• Interviews: awesome! Exeter one was awesome and the others were good too. For Exeter we met at a cafe and had a lovely 1.5 hr interview. Super nice guy.
• Essays: My Exeter essays were the ones I tried the hardest on. Overall, I spent maybe 2 hrs per long essay, they were ok.
• Math Rec: blind
• English Rec: blind
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: none
• Principal/Counselor Rec: blind
• Sports (if any): Swimming, 10 years
• Instruments (if any): none
• Other ECs (if any): Volunteering! Guid dog raising for 7 ish years, Cat shelter over 25 hrs
• Hook: Volunteering

• State or Country: US
• Current School Type: public
• Ethnicity:
• Gender:
• Grade Applying For: 10
• Age:
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: we ended up getting about 30% aid from Exeter and L’ville, don’t know George

Strengths: SSATs, volunteering, Interviews, I drove the admissions process not my parents

Weaknesses: ECs…

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? I think I was accepted because our family is “able” to afford it with a little bit of financial aid even though it’s not enough, so I can’t go… Also some of my essays were good and the interviews were awesome. Also, the SSAT scores really helped, bc I focused on well rounded

Accepted: Peddie, Hill, Loomis.
Rejected: Lville, Hotchkiss.
Waitlisted: PA, PEA, SPS, Taft, Choate.
Likely Attending: Loomis or Peddie.

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: two tests, 2202, 2223 (1st one was balanced, 2nd one was v spiked in terms of English + Vocab)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: IDK my school has quarters+ I had 1 89 for the 2 quarters that were judged but semester was all A’s
• Rank: We don’t do ranks…
• Other stats: GT advanced placement???

• Interviews: It really depended on the school but I thought I did good ngl.
• Essays: They were okay, I put lots of work into them but I felt like I could’ve added more spice.
• Math Rec: My teacher kinda hates me 6/10 probably
• English Rec: My teacher loves me and she’s done this before so 8-9/10
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: uh my violin n art teacher wrote this so honestly a 7 or 8/10
• Principal/Counselor Rec: She likes me, kinda scary tho how fast it was submitted 6/10
• Sports (if any): Tennis(?) also interest in a lot of sports
• Instruments (if any): Violin, Flute
• Other ECs (if any): Uh student council, DND, GSA that got shut down, and a charity project that raised 500 lol.
• Hook: uh idk my personality I guess also my life story

• State or Country: Texas
• Current School Type: Public (1800 kids check)
• Ethnicity: Chinese
• Gender: agender (She/They)
• Grade Applying For: 9th
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Strengths: Like, nothing lmao. Uh, I talk to people easy so I guess that’s a thing also my essays?

Weaknesses: ORM, Literally showing up 20 mins late to an interview cuz I’m a dumb b, and just no ECs

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? IK about the waitlist and rejections, not the acceptions haha. I expected it to be like this tho so I wasn’t too surprised.

Accepted: None
Rejected: Andover
Wait listed: St. Mark’s, St. Paul’s, Choate, Concord,
Likely Attending:

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: Q99, R95, V87 (rough estimate) Overal 97
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats:

• Interviews:
Exeter/Choate: Awesome! Really clicked with the interviewer.
Concord: Pretty good!
St. Mark’s/St. Paul’s/Groton: Decent. St. Paul’s was really short. During St. Mark’s, my eyes started watering and it was very awkward
Andover: My first interview, terrible, called them Exeter, gave one word answers hELP
• Essays:
I think they were pretty good but I don’t really know.
• Math Rec: Blind
• English Rec: Blind
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Blind
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Blind
• Sports (if any): Cross country but i suck
• Instruments (if any): Guitar (recreational)
• Other ECs (if any): Started an art club, on student council, FIRST Robotics
• Hook: none

• State or Country: NH, USA
• Current School Type: Charter
• Ethnicity: Korean American
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA

Strengths: Well rounded-ish

Weaknesses: No major accomplishments, subpar extracurriculars

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

Mainly because there simply were way too many applicants that were far more accomplished and capable. Congrats to those of you who were accepted!

Rejected: Choate
Wait listed: Andover
Likely Attending: top-rated public high school

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 2776 (90 percentile) I literally forgot to study for it
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: hs- 4.0 // ms- 3.75
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats: taking Algebra 2/Trig

• Interviews: Choate interview with AO went very well, Andover interview with alum was horrible (I forgot to ask for my interviewer’s name)
• Essays: Spent all my time on Choate essays, my long essay was about standing up for my political beliefs and I think it was fairly good. I literally have my Choate essays memorized because I spent SO MUCH time on them. Andover short essays were original and showed who I am. Long essay was a bit generic, and I didn’t spend too much time on it.
• Math Rec: Excellent, one of his favorite students
• English Rec: Excellent, one of his favorite students
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Good
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Good
• Sports (if any): Varsity soccer, NPL soccer for 5 years. Connected with Choate coach who said very promising things.
• Instruments (if any):
• Other ECs (if any): submitted art portfolio
• Hook: Varsity soccer

• State or Country: California
• Current School Type: top-rated public high school (top 5 in CA)
• Ethnicity: asian
• Gender: female
• Grade Applying For: 10th
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Strengths: Recs, soccer

Weaknesses: ECs, demographics

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

The only things I can think of is my low middle school grades, and being an asian female from the Bay Area.

Format (copy & paste all thing below):
Accepted: Exeter
Rejected: n/a
Wait listed: n/a
Likely Attending: Exeter

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats:

• Interviews: 9/10, went very well
• Essays: they were okay, didn’t get anyone to look over them though
• Math Rec: 9/10, i know my math teacher very well
• English Rec: 6-7/10 not to close with my reading teacher
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 10/10, homeroom teacher that knows e well
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 10/10, very close to counselor
• Sports (if any): Track, Soccer (recreational)
• Instruments (if any): Piano
• Other ECs (if any): Math, Writing, Student Gov’t
• Hook: idk

• State or Country: Illinois
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Asian (Korean)
• Gender: M
• Grade Applying For:
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA (ended up getting full aid)

Strengths: Interview and my recs

Weaknesses: probably extracurriculars

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
I didn’t think I’d be accepted so I only applied to one school, so i don’t know

Accepted: Kent
Rejected: Andover, Deerfield, Hotchkiss, Cate
Waitlisted: Exeter, Choate
Likely Attending: Kent

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 1360 PSAT or 98th Percentile
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.9 Unweighted
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats: Taken math up to and including Calculus BC

• Interviews: 9/10 they all went really well
• Essays: 8/10 She put a lot of effort into them but she isn’t the most talented writer
• Math Rec: 9/10 very close with math teacher
• English Rec: 8/10 has a good relationship with the teacher
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 9/10 known person for over 8 years, super close
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 8/10 New principal not too familiar with the school, but grew close to my D
• Sports (if any): Swimming, Track, and Field
• Instruments (if any): Violin, Piano, and Guitar
• Other ECs (if any): Model UN, Academic Decathlon
• Hook: None, unless having experienced a traumatic event when younger counts or volunteering

• State or Country: NJ
• Current School Type: Private
• Ethnicity: Indian/Pakistani/Middle Eastern
• Gender: F
• Grade Applying For: 11
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay

Strengths: Model UN Best delegate, plus commendation at NAIMUN, great 50 splits for swimming and relay asset. Part of multiple selective summer programs, as well as CTY, volunteering

Weaknesses: ASD, no hooks, overrepresented race, and state, applying for 11th grade

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

I think she was rejected because she is applying for 11th grade as an Asian female, so not very good odds from the beginning.

General Comments:
Despite the fact that we only received one acceptance I am so proud of my D and she continues to amaze me every day. I hope everyone has good revisit days!

Accepted: Andover
Rejected: Loomis, St. Marks
Wait listed: Concord, Hotchkiss, St. Paul’s, Groton, Deerfield, Milton, Governors, Taft
Likely Attending: Andover

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 73rd percentile on SSAT
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0
• Rank: ???
• Other stats: High state test scores

• Interviews:
Andover, Loomis: The interview went well but not stellar. I didn’t connect with my interviewer but we had an alright conversation.
Concord, St. Marks, St. Paul’s, Governors, Taft: Not good…
Deerfield, Milton: Amazing.
• Essays:
(I applied through a common application from a program). My personal essay was bland and the other could’ve been about a topic relating more to me. I wrote them in the span of 4 hours, but I wish I had spent more time one them.
• Math Rec:
Awesome, but maybe some stuff about me needing to take risks.
• English Rec:
Awesome, but maybe some stuff about me being shy.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec:
• Principal/Counselor Rec:
She doesn’t know me that well, meaning she had nothing bad to say but nothing exceptional to say.
• Sports (if any):
Interested in Volleyball in Cross Country, never been on a team.
• Instruments (if any):
• Other ECs (if any):
Environmental Club, Girls Who Code, Advanced Coding, Poetry Club, art. Not an extracurricular, but community service.
• Hook:
Im Dominican? Or maybe it’s the coding? Probably both.
• State or Country: US
• Current School Type: Charter
• Ethnicity: Hispanic
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9th
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Financial Aid

Patience, self-motivation.
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
I have no idea why I was accepted to Andover. My many waitlists probably had something to do with financial aid. My rejections were most likely from bad/average interviews as well as lack of sports or instruments. For some reason, I think everyone looked past my terrible essays haha!

Accepted: SAS
Rejected: none
Wait listed: SPS, Deerfield, Choate
Likely Attending: SAS or current independent school (think Dalton, Fieldston, St. Ann’s)

• SSAT: 84%
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: idk, maybe A- average?
• Rank: they don’t rank
• Other stats: none

• Interviews: They generally went fine
• Essays: I assume they were OK; she did her best
• Math Rec: blind
• English Rec: blind
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: blind, but ballet teacher seems to like her
• Principal/Counselor Rec: blind
• Sports (if any): ballet, field hockey, softball
• Instruments (if any): violin
• Other ECs (if any): none
• Hook: none

• State or Country: NYC
• Current School Type: Independent day
• Ethnicity: Asian American
• Gender: F
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Full Pay

Strengths: Good interviewer, tough, thoughtful, “woke” (sorry if that’s cringy)

Weaknesses: ORM maybe? Not geographically diverse? Not tippy top grades or SSAT score.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? Accepted-I think she totally got what SAS is about (improve the world, give back, fight for equity (not saying other schools aren’t about this but noted multiple specific instances from our tour)), WL-maybe grades/score?

Accepted: Exeter
Rejected: Choate
Wait listed: Deerfield, Andover
Likely Attending: Exeter

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT(V:85, R: 83, Q:94 Overall: 91) ISEE(V:87, R:50, Q:99)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: Middle School : Unweighted 4.0 High School: Unweighted 4.0, Weighted 4.16
• Rank:N/A
• Other stats: SAT (6th grade) → 1500
Precalc Honors and AP Bio and Psych

• Interviews: Deerfield: Off-campus Interview with Dean went amazing. Exeter: Off-campus interview with an alum, was really good and we connected over several mutual interests Andover+Choate: Off-campus interview with alum, not amazing, but not bad as well.
• Essays: For all of the schools, I wrote an essay about how I found my voice and found my self-confidence to stand up for others. I also wrote an essay for Exeter about biology and why i find it fascinating.
• Math Rec: From my EC AP Calc BC teacher, pretty good, maybe some things about me being too loud
• English Rec: Pretty good, says that I’m a strong leader and student. Probably says that i talk too much :slight_smile:
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: From my Spanish tutor and my biology teacher, probably good
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Pretty standard, in my school there are 2000 students so I don’t really know my counselor and she didn’t know me
• Sports (if any): Varsity Tennis, 2nd Degree Black Belt
• Instruments (if any): Competition Piano
• Other ECs (if any): MUN, Speech, Research, Fundraising for cancer, Teaching kids with disabilities
• Hook: My self-motivation and drive and my love for helping people :slight_smile:

• State or Country: California
• Current School Type: Local Public High School (Top 5% in the US)
• Ethnicity: Asian Indian
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 10
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Financial Aid (recieved a 50,000 dollar FA package from PEA)

Strengths: motivated, driven, leadership

Weaknesses: im not a prodigy or amazing at one thing

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
I applied to Exeter last year as well and was waitlisted, I followed up with the school and wanted to know what I could do to improve and improved my test scores and my essays this year and got in :slight_smile:

Accepted: none
Rejected: choate
Wait listed: pa, pea, lville, deerfield, milton, concord
Likely Attending: lps

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 99%tile total, 99%tile math 99%tile verbal 98%tile reading
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0 ish
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats: geometry for math

• Interviews: Not sure. I thought Choate went best, but that’s the schools that rejected me so IDK
• Essays: I thought they were good, but thinking back, some of my answers were pretty dumb and slightly controversial
• Math Rec: I think it was good? ish- he seems to somewhat like me
• English Rec: I think it was pretty good, she said she had written about how independent/ mature/ interested in learning I was
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: sooo I screw up with the personal rec, I should’ve given it to the person I gave my EC rec to, and opted out of doing the EC rec
• Principal/Counselor Rec: I don’t know her well, but I think it was alright
• Sports (if any): Cross Country (not impact/ varsity athlete), tennis (also not great)
• Instruments (if any): Violin 3 yrs, school chamber orch.
• Other ECs (if any): Art (oil paint and sketch, sent a portfolio), 7 yrs, math team, community service club
• Hook: art maybe?

• State or Country: MA
• Current School Type: public
• Ethnicity: Asian American (ORM)
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

stats, my art,
softer parts of my app weren’t that great- interviews, essays, recs
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
as stated above, interviews weren’t great, I’m kind of awkward, essays were kinda controversial, and I didn’t choose the best person to do my personal rec

Accepted: Mercersburg, Hotchkiss
Rejected: Lawrenceville, Taft, Hill, Choate, Loomis
Wait listed: SPS
Likely Attending: Hotchkiss!!!

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT- 85th percentile
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats:

• Interviews: My first few interviews were quite bad, and I made the mistake of doing 6 interviews in a row at a TSAO event without any experience. My interviews with Mercersburg and Hotchkiss were awesome though.
• Essays: I tried my best on them, and I would say they were decent.
• Math Rec: Terrible. I glimpsed part of the rec and my teacher marked me as below average for every category. She also remarked that I was ‘dim’.
• English Rec: I would say average. My teacher said that I performed very well in her class but she didn’t know me personally.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Excellent. The teacher that wrote it knew me extremely well and I feel his rec helped my admission decisions a lot.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: No clue. My counselor met me for the first time when I asked her to write the rec.
• Sports (if any): Track/XC with highly competitive times.
• Instruments (if any):
• Other ECs (if any): VP of student council, STEM, FBLA, NJHS
• Hook: I’m from an underrepresented area and my public school was very underfunded.

• State or Country: FL
• Current School Type: Title I Public School
• Ethnicity: White
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full fin aid and stipends.

Strengths: My XC/Track times were valuable, and my ‘story’ seemed to be intriguing to my interviewers.

Weaknesses: FA definitely! Also, my first couple of interviews went very poorly.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
A: For Hkiss and Mercersburg, I had amazing interviews and interactions with faculty! The coaches and admissions team remarked that I seemed ‘extremely excited’ about their schools.

R: Most of the schools I got rejected from are ‘notorious’ for giving out low amounts of fin aid. Choate was also extremely competitive this year.

W: I’ve barely seen any rejections from SPS, so I’m assuming they waitlist a majority of students.

Wait listed: Exeter
Likely Attending: public high school

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 92nd percentile, don’t remember score.
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.98/99?
• Rank: 97th of 420 or something
• Other stats:

• Interviews: Exeter went well, got to know my alumni interviewer over the span of an hour. Flaw: hot chocolate I ordered at the Starbucks was never made.
• Essays: Alright, always been critical of my own writing so don’t know how to accurately rate.
• Math Rec: blind, I think strong?
• English Rec: blind, but Mr.Gushanas is the man.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Tennis Coach, very strong
• Principal/Counselor Rec: blind
• Sports (if any): Tennis (7 years), Track (year)
• Instruments (if any):
• Other ECs (if any):
• Hook: kid from Washington State applying to 1 school on the other side of the country.

• State or Country: Washington State
• Current School Type: Public School
• Ethnicity: Korean/Irish
• Gender:Male
• Grade Applying For: 9th
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay:

Strengths: Squatted 240 once. can fit around 16 grapes in my mouth.

Weaknesses : Too smart. Too humble.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
Somewhere in the world, there is a kid crying tears of joy. I don’t know why I was waitlisted and frankly I don’t care. All I care about is that my absence has not gone without a success story.

Accepted: Andover
Rejected: None
Wait listed: Exeter
Likely Attending: Andover '24!!!

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: Total: 99%, V:99% (Full 800), Q: 96%, R: 97%
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0 UW, 4.3 W
• Rank: NA
• Other stats: A substantial French award, small Mathcounts award, small geo bee award

• Interviews:
Exeter: 9/10 This was my first interview, so I was really nervous. The AO was really nice which allowed me to open up and speak what I had on my mind. I actually loved the questions that were asked.
Andover: 10/10 Loved this one! I feel like I really clicked with the AO and we joked around a bit. She really emphasized that Andover was nice (not like pretty wise, but character wise), and that’s when I kinda knew I really wanted to go here.
• Essays:
Exeter: 7/10 I feel like these were a bit rushed (even though I had a lot of time). Oh well :neutral:
Andover: 9/10 I’ve never considered writing my strong suit, but I wrote about something that I’m truly passionate about, and I guess that passion translated well onto paper :smile:
• Math Rec: 9/10 Blind (uncertain so one point off), but my math teacher knows me well both in and out of the classroom.
• English Rec: 9/10 Blind, my English teacher and I really vibe (and I was also told that it was a great recommendation)
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec:
Personal: 9/10 Blind, but this teacher also knows me in and out of the classroom. Idk what it is with me and vibing but we also just vibe
Extracurricular: 8/10 Blind, I feel like I chose an advisor for something I’m passionate about, but I’m assuming it’s not what they’re looking for (not music or sports) Otherwise, I believe the rec is great!
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 8/10 Blind, I’ve known my counselor for three years and I think I’ve changed a lot since we’ve met. However, this change has been a really positive change, and I’m (once again) assuming my counselor conveyed my positive traits really well!
• Sports (if any): Track, Tennis
• Instruments (if any): Violin ~4 years. I sent a video. It wasn’t the best video, but I think it demonstrated my ability pretty well.
• Other ECs (if any): Robotics, Math Team
• Hook: FP? Under represented location?

• State or Country: Hawaii
• Current School Type: Private
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

My grades have been really good this year (I’m really not sure how I pulled it off) and I don’t know anybody from Hawaii that attends or recently attended Andover. Also, I think my essay for Andover was very passionate and it was about something girls don’t stereotypically like. One of my essays for Exeter was a bit risky, but for my lowly writing skills, very well written. I’m no child prodigy and I’ve only been playing violin for a couple of years, but I’ve progressed really fast which is evident in my video. I also talked about how I struggled a bit in orchestra, but persevered to overcome my struggles and ultimately became confident in my violin abilities. I think I express my ideas well verbally and I think both my interviews were winning situations where they learned a lot about me and what I’m passionate about.

The other Exeter essay (not trying to throw my parents under the bus here :slight_smile: ) was heavily influenced by my parents to the point where I didn’t know if it truly reflected my ideas and thoughts. Don’t get me wrong, the essay was somewhat good, but reading it back, I don’t feel any passion. Also, if I were just a tad bit more athletic…

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
I’m not sure. Life finds its way to work wonders! I was totally sure that I would get waitlisted or rejected at both, so when I opened the Andover portal, I had to read the entire letter over like three times before I finally accepted that I had been accepted. My application to Exeter had been overall kinda meh, so I wasn’t too surprised that I was waitlisted.
First of all, give yourself a pat on the back! You’ve worked hard through middle school and it’s a testament to your great work ethic and inquisitive nature to apply to a prep school! If there’s anything I’ve learned through reading through endless threads like these, it’s to be yourself. There’s no need to do every single extracurricular activity under the sun to get into schools. Do what you like, and if you truly like it, you’ll excel.

Accepted: Culver, Putney, Peddie
Rejected: Emma Willard
Wait listed: Choate, Exeter, Cate, L’ville, Concord
Likely Attending: Culver (!) (Full scholarship lets goooo)

• SSAT: 2178 (86%)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0
• Rank: nope lol
• Other stats:


• Interviews:
tbh I think all were pretty good-- i’m not good at much, but i’d say that I can come across as pretty confident and put-together. Looking back, my Culver interview was definitely the best, the interviewer and I really clicked. Seeing as my stats aren’t nearly as high as many others on this thread, i think interviews are what put me in the waitlist instead of reject pile lol.

• Essays:
Honestly, I have no idea. I tried to be diFfERenT and stuff, and heavily emphasized my passion for poltics and public service.

• Math Rec: blind
I’m in no way a math superstar. However, my teacher likes me (i’m the only one in class who’s nice to her, just as a person), so i’m sure she didn’t say anything horrible.

• English Rec: blind
I’ve got my english teacher for two classes (history + english), and seeing as my passion lies in politics, those classes are right up my alley. That rec was probably pretty good.

• Personal/Extracurricular Rec:
ABC didn’t make us get this one, so n/a ig.

• Principal/Counselor Rec:
Got it from my counselor. Maybe not that good, but idk. My brother (who goes to my school and is a me ss) has not made the best impression on my family, so that’s a negative, but I know her from an after school program I’m in, so that’s a plus.

• Sports (if any): lol nope

• Instruments (if any): Trombone, piano (h a h asian)

• Other ECs (if any): Visual art, Peer Mediation, City Hall Intern, Student Council, Dnd, residential home volunteer, library volunteer, school GSA

• Hook: i don’t think i have one. If i do, it’d most likely be URM

• State or Country: NorCal, US
• Current School Type: Public school les goooo
• Ethnicity: Asian/Latinx
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9th
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: 80% Finaid

-I definitely have a defined passion-- politics, political science, public service, whatever you wanna call it. I tried to keep my views a secret to most interviewers, but it slipped out from time to time. I don’t think it affected much, though. People seemed to be most impressed when I told them i’d had an internship before, so that definitely helped a lot.
-URM? but i’m also half asian sooo
-can talk kinda good
-ok interview fashion sense

-stupid hahahhahaha
-I stutter a little bit, idk
-my ssat score was not very good, and definitely spiked from verbal to math
-a little intense, vibe wise
-and a bunch of other things but i don’t wanna be too negative

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

the schools i got into all had higher admissions rates. For culver, they really emphasize leadership, and that’s my passion, so i think i really fit there. Both culver and putney aren’t very racially diverse, so maybe that boosted me up a little bit.
tbh idk why i got into peddie lol.

I think the program I’m in, A Better Chance, helped me get waitlisted instead of rejected. I heard from a lot of friends in the program, and most, like me, barely got any flat out rejections. I think my stats for the higher-ranked schools are a bit below par.

Emma Willard literally told me they reject kids they can’t give FA to, so that’s that.

literally chill out. you’ll do great!!! Or maybe you won’t do so great, or you won’t do as well as you expected, but either way, anyone who even has the guts to apply to BS is smart in some way. As many very kind moms have said on various threads around here, love the school that loves you!
and stop comparing yourself to people on this thread. class of 2025, i see you. go do something productive.

Accepted: Exeter
Rejected: Hotchkiss
Wait listed: Choate, Kent
Likely Attending: Exeter

• PSAT: 1410/1520 // English: 660/760; Math: 750/760
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: Weighted 4.15
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats: AP World Exam: 5/5, and skipped Honors Geometry the summer going into Freshman year.

• Interviews: Exeter interview went really well. Talked and got to know my interviewer over the course of around 1.5 hours, and we realized we had many similar interests (he also applied for Exeter as a sophomore going into his junior year!). This was also the only in-person interview I did.
Kent/Choate: Interviews were pretty standard and short (Skype interviews). Didn’t connect with them as much.
• Essays: Were pretty personal and really demonstrated how I felt, and so I guess that was what appealed to admissions.
• Math Rec: Blind, guessing its around a 7-8/10
• English Rec: Blind, probably a 9-9.5/10
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: probably a 9-9.5/10. My coach wants me to stay in my current school, so who knows.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Probably 8-9/10.
• Sports (if any): Basketball, Volleyball
• Instruments (if any): Cello, Bass (both upright and electric), Guitar
• Other ECs (if any): Community service (tutoring, activism, etc.)
• Hook: Writing a research paper on divorce because of my own experiences and how society still finds this as a more taboo topic (to some extent)

• State or Country: Taipei, Taiwan
• Current School Type: International
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 11
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA (~70%)

Strengths: My research paper, doing a lot of extracurriculars. Won a few national awards for community service. Also exchanged emails with the Exeter girls basketball coach, which probably helped quite a bit.

Weaknesses: Grades. My semester 1 grades this year weren’t great. Applying as an 11th grader is also a bit more challenging. I also only had around 2 weeks to write the app (the decision was super last minute because of some family events that happened right before NYE).

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? I think I put a lot more effort into the Exeter app, which was why I was accepted (the interview was better, essays were definitely better and were more authentic too, basketball as a bonus as well). I just didn’t spend as much time on the other apps which is probably why I was waitlisted.

Accepted: Andover, Exeter, Lawrenceville, Choate, Hotchkiss, SPS
Rejected: none
Wait listed: Deerfield
Likely Attending: no idea

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: school doesn’t do GPA
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats: straight As?

• Interviews:
Exeter and Deerfield were the best ones… which is kinda strange considering Deerfield is the only place I wasn’t accepted to.
Andover, Lawrenceville, Hotchkiss, and SPS interviews were pretty good.
I felt basically no connection with Choate interviewer… which is why the acceptance was completely unexpected.
• Essays: I SPENT SO MUCH TIME ON THESE. I had a bunch of people look over them a give feedback… I had them finished by the end of the summer, but taking in feedback and making the corresponding edits took practically all of the school year
• Math Rec: I’d say 7.5/10? My math teacher doesn’t know me that well but I’m pretty sure he likes me and he knows I’m a very strong student.
• English Rec: 10/10 My English teacher straight up loves me.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 9/10
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 6/10 My principal doesn’t know me very well
• Sports (if any): I’m a very strong squash player
• Instruments (if any): I have been singing for 4 years and playing piano for around 9
• Other ECs (if any): n/a
• Hook: ??

• State or Country: NJ
• Current School Type: Private K-12
• Ethnicity: Chinese-American
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full pay

The SSAT and my academics in general were DEFINITELY a strong point. The other major factor was probably my squash… I met and talked with the coaches from every school and my skill level is high enough that I would make a pretty good spot on every varsity team.

If anything I’d think the recs or the essays… even though I spent so much time on them I know that my writing skill isn’t on par with the best of the best applicants. The recs probably weren’t my strongest suit either.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
I feel like squash was the biggest factor… without it the school results would’ve looked MUCH different.

Wait listed: PA, PEA, Choate
Likely Attending: Private High School

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.3
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats:

• Interviews:
PA - 10/10,
PEA & Choate - 8/10
(PA and PEA interviews were done on campus)
• Essays:
PA - 10/10 (ensured they were perfect, reviewed by 10+ qualified individuals)
I felt confident about my PEA and Choate essays, but certainly did not scrutinize every infinitesimal detail as I did for Andover.
• Math Rec: 7.5/10 -
I don’t know my teacher well but do very well in her class.
• English Rec: 9/10
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 10/10 -
This was from my engineering/robotics coach for multiple competitions and for three years of class.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 8.5/10 -
I’m a rising sophomore so I haven’t had much time to get to know my principal. I did have an hour-long meeting with him to discuss my plans to apply and he seemed very enthusiastic about it.
• Sports (if any): Tennis -
I have been playing for 10 years and competiting for six. I am usually ranked in positions 1-3/14 on my team.
• Instruments (if any): Piano (8 years)
• Other ECs (if any):

  • Engineering Competitions:
  1. I won a statewide engineering competition two years in a row and will probably win again in a couple of weeks. This competition is focused on developing a product that will solve people's personal issues. --> The first year I made a wheelchair that generated electricity to power itself. --> The second year I created a shoe that detects pressure in the sole of the shoe and can prevent a $10,000 surgery in autistic children with idiopathic toe walking. NOTE: My interviewer at Andover was especially interested in these competitions and we discussed them in detail for about 10-15 minutes of our 1 hour interview. NOTE 2: I had to write a twenty page essay and document my entire process each year for this project. I put the links in my applications under "additional documents" and linked to them through ■■■■■■ so I could track the usage of the custom links. THEY WERE NOT CLICKED ONCE!!!
  2. I won a statewide autonomous robot competition last year.
  3. Placed for three years in a row in a submarine competition and won multiple awards last year in this competition.
  • Speech and Debate Team: I've been on the team for four years (since 6th grade)
  • Spelling Bee: I won my school bee and placed second in districts.
  • Turned $200 into $8k with steady, annualized returns over the past five years using logic until I was twelve and I used loads of books and made my own
  • Science Olympiad: I've won a lot of events over the past three years.

• Hook: I’m involved in a lot of intense competitions and have still managed to succeed in all of them while maintaining a 4.3 GPA.

• State or Country: US (NC)
• Current School Type: Private
• Ethnicity: Caucasian
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: 10
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay

Strengths: work ethic, intelligence, athletic ability

I have some personal issues but these obviously aren’t going to show up in an application.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
I don’t want to sound bombastic, but I truly am bewildered that I did not get into at least one school.
I don’t know which box I did not check. I’m taking the hardest classes available and competing in multiple difficult EC’s. I have never had anything less than an A throughout middle and high school. If somebody wants to give me a logical reason why I got waitlisted three times, please tell me.

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Accepted: Hotchkiss, Mercersburg, St. George’s, George
Rejected: Exeter
Wait listed: Andover, Choate, Deerfield, Groton, Lawrenceville, Middlesex
Likely Attending: Heck Yeah Hotchkiss

This was not our first rodeo, after all WL or rejects last year from HADES & friends. Went wider, and she worked really hard to improve and show growth.

• SSAT: 99% overall; perfect R&V but 83(±?) Quantitative. (A 770 raw Q score was 83%ile?! Wut?)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: Scattered B, B+ in math, A or A+ elsewhere
• Other stats: ACT in 7th grade good, esp. sub-scores of 33 Reading, 31 Other-Readingish-Category.

• Interviews: 6/10 - If she was interviewing at Deliotte, 9/10. But this to live with people. She was composed and mature this year, she has always been good around adults, but probably not as charismatic as many other kids. The best interview was Exeter no question…and yet that was the reject.
• Essays: 8/10 - She is a very strong writer, and didn’t mind the horde of essays for all the applications but that probably spread her a little thin. I have not seen a single other kid essay so hard to calibrate.
• Math Rec: 4/10? - Didn’t see it but math teacher relationship this year is at best meh. Doubt there was sabotage but surely one of the more underwhelming recs they read this cycle.
• English Rec: 10/10? - surely a lovefest, she is in 10th grade honors English and it’s a great relationship.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 9/10?: flute tutor best of buds, maybe didn’t quite know what schools want to hear though.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 7/10? No idea really here…had known her for just two months.
• Sports (if any): enjoys Track & Field but won’t help raise any championship banners…even for the JV team. Wants to sample lots of sports.
• Instruments (if any): an accomplished flutist. Not Juillard-bound but very serious.
• Other ECs (if any): Of her own volition, spent half of 7th grade in a German public school with distant relatives to start learning it.
• Hook: A relative went to Andover eons ago, has given yearly since. Grandfather attended George and same.

• State or Country: PA
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: White
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 10 everywhere but 9th at SPS
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: some FA needed

Strengths: 1) Would have thought already being experienced at living away from family already to be a big strength. 2) The lacrosse teams needs goalies, do the German programs need students? Surely this helped at Hotchkiss & Mercersburg.

Weaknesses: Math, but it is still Honors Algebra II and she enjoys it. She pushed back anywhere that said she should apply for 9th. Also, memories of weak interviews previous year? Finally, one school: “Why would we admit her when she’s going to study German at Andover” Points for honesty but uhhh, could you get Andover on the same page? (Reject last year, WL now) Yield is king even to the elite schools.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? Hotchkiss is a dream; she loves to farm and cook in addition to the rest of hand-in-glove fit. Thank goodness they saw that. There was a lot of mutual love at Mercersburg as well: they have a super classy, personalized and responsive admissions department. Everyone wait listed at the globally recognized brands this year, apply there next year, or heck, call them now: you’ll be great and your kids/grandkids will want a legacy advantage to get in in 20 years. She had a massive improvement in interviewing this year thanks to help from a former admissions interviewer at Stanford. I don’t think you need to get a pro, just get another adult to practice interview your lil’ standardized test-obliterator.

Did Groton get put off by the huge gap between my slobbering enthusiasm (“Look! Dean Acheson’s class plaques!”) and her reserve?

I pooh-poohed the pervasive CC concern about FA effects. We didn’t need a ton, but come on, $70k/year when all is said and done so why not? What do I know. It may help explain the pervasive waitlisting again after an improved app this year. But I’m glad in the end we did, because:

Hotchkiss stepped up for us big time, with generous aid, and makes it possible for us to choose a better path. I’m really sad to miss my daughter day to day, but would bear(cat) it for this opportunity for her.

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Accepted: Choate, Deerfield, Hotchkiss
Rejected: Exeter, L’ville, Mercersburg, St. Mark’s
Waitlisted: Andover, Groton, Milton, Taft, SPS, Blair
Likely Attending: Choate

• SSAT: V91 Q85 R98 T96 | TOEFL: 118
• GPA UW: 3.8
• Other stats: got a lot of class awards at school i guess?

• Interviews: I was a little quiet but I tried to make up for it by coming off as friendly & focused more on my values as a person than stats.
• Essays: were decent style-wise but average when it came to topics. I tried to show different aspects of myself and kept a clear focus.
• Math Rec: 7/10 I wasn’t super close with my teacher this year but I’d say I do well in class and I asked them to write about my participation in Math competitions.
• English Rec: 8/10 they’re also my HR teacher so probably wrote a lot about my character.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 10/10 Had some really nice anecdotes on their experience w me that made me smile! :slight_smile:
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 9/10 We weren’t super close but they are v perceptive and like me.
• Sports (if any): N/A
• Instruments (if any): violin, piano
• Other ECs (if any): StuCo, Gender Equality club, Amnesty, Film production club, WSC (1st overall + in writing regional round, 4th in writing global round), Math competitions, Art+Writing (ig if it counts)
• Hook: well-rounded + i said i liked humanities and arts so that maybe?

• State or Country: VN
• Current School Type: international
• Ethnicity: Viet
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Strengths: well-rounded, some interesting EC’s, good character, recs

Weaknesses: no athletic ability, didn’t really stand out (didn’t have a hook really plus I’m basic)

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? See weaknesses, also I didn’t send any portfolios or extra links, and my grades aren’t too outstanding for some of these schools