Ad Issues

The ads are ruining the user experience. They are bouncing all over the page and covering up threads, forcing the page to jump back up despite scrolling. It’s terrible! Please fix! (I’m on my iPhone).

Yup. Experiencing the same thing @CCadmin_Sorin . Not sure a screenshot helps, because a photo is static by definition.

I have that happen when I’m not signed in. As soon as I sign in, it goes away.

No issues at all with respect to ads.

I’m obviously signed in. It’s been happening for 2 days now.

And I’ve got the same inappropriate ad running for a couple of weeks now of a VERY busty bride, “sponsored by Bon Voyaged Wedding photographer.” Interestingly, earlier today it was replaced briefly by a VERY hairy chested man, promising to reveal who his partner was. I didn’t get a chance to screenshot it though.

I mostly use CC on an iPad. Otherwise, I use a desktop and never see those type of ads. So I think it’s an Apple thing? I don’t use CC on my phone (Android), but I tried it just now, just to see. I didn’t have a problem with ads on the phone, though I did see some. However, I was unable to log in. I will Pm you about that, @CCadmin_Sorin .

@itsgettingreal21 me too!

I am having the same problem on my iPhone. If I scroll up and down a few times I can finally read the post that is covered by the ad. It is very annoying!

I have about given up trying to read cc on my phone.

I agree that CC is becoming unusable on my iphone with the ads jumping around.

It is ads like these that induce users to install the most aggressive ad blockers on their browsers. Obviously, this defeats the purpose of the forums having ads in the first place. But ad-supported web sites can only work if the ads are well-behaved enough that they do not annoy users into installing ad blockers.

Can someone please send me a screenshot of the problematic ad? The email address is Thanks!

@Lindagaf, the ads team should have already removed the inappropriate ad. Please let me know if you’re still seeing it.

For me, the ads jump around when I’m trying to scroll down to see the next post. As soon as I stop scrolling the ad moves back in place, but then I get jumped around to a different spot on the page. I don’t know how I would capture that with a screen shot.

@momofsenior1, on what device/browser is this happening?

iPhone. Safari. It’s worse too when responding. In typing this response the Ashley Homestore ad jumped down into the response box. When I stopped typing it moved back and now has disappeared entirely.

@CCadmin_Sorin , the ad is gone, thanks!

@momofsenior1 ’s description is spot on.

I signaled the issue to our ads team and they’ll look into it. Thanks!

Exactly what @momofsenior1 said…having the same issues with iphone/safari browser

@CCadmin_Sorin i sent you a screenshot. Add blocking top of forum navigation in landscape mode on my iPad. If I move around the forum, it goes away, but this is what I get when I log on.