Admission Rates to BSN (Nursing) Programs

BSN (Nursing) programs often have admission rates that are considerably different than the admission rates of other programs at the same college or university. Word on the street is that it’s currently much harder to get into the BSN programs than others, but it’s unfortunately difficult to find specific information on the topic. Some colleges are better than others at providing this information; some don’t seem to provide it at all. I offer here statistics for a few schools, and welcome others to add more. Of primary interest are programs that are direct entry from high school. However, it might also be useful to compile data for programs that are not direct entry, e.g. some colleges require two years of “pre-nursing” lower division courses before a student can apply to become a nursing major, and that application process itself can also be competitive. Please provide sources for any statistics included.

Here’s a list of colleges and universities that offer direct entry programs: https://www.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/dataverse/direct-admit-nursing-programs


 2% admission rate for Fall 2018 (51 of 3,038 applicants)
 This compares to 16% for the College of Letters and Science, 11% for engineering and 
 4% for the Film School.
 Direct entry program.

UC Irvine

 2.5% admission rate for Fall 2018 (72 of 2,887 applicants)
 This compares to 29% for the school as a whole.
 Direct entry program. 

UVA (Virginia)

 14% in-state, 10% out-of-state for Fall 2018 (135 of 1,157 applicants)
 This is the lowest of any program, e.g. 39% in-state for either Arts and 
 Sciences or Engineering.
 Direct entry program.

When we visited U Michigan in August ‘18, they said they receive roughly 1,200 applications for Nursing and they accept around 300 with a goal of a class of around 150.