Are all LACs the same?

For the ones in Maine…

Colby is exceptional for environmentally studies, and it has always attracted a very outdoorsy crowd, in part because of its location. Kids climb, ski, surf, hike, snowshoe, etc regularly through school.and on their own. The school owns properties that afford incredible research opportunities for the hardy.
In past, there were far more colby students, both preppy and crunchy, from New England prep schools who discovered their love for the outdoors at summer camp in Maine or vacationing with family in Maine, but today, that demographic is less well-represented. (I mention this because anyone who hasn’t interacted with the school in the last roughly 5 years will think of its prior vibe.) It is a comfortable place for LGBTQ kids, but with a student body of about 2000 and some distance from a major metropolitan area, dating options will be more limited. Colby isn’t alone in this regard, but it’s definitely a finger on the scale for a school like Macalester that has the population of a city to branch out into. The community is tight.

Bowdoin’s vibe is similar but it is a little more attractive to kids from urban areas and who may be less zealous about the outdoors part. Brunswick is a very stylish, lovely town, and that feels very consistent with Bowdoin. Both Bowdoin and Bates are closer to Portland (great little city), so it makes sense to me that kids who aren’t quite as committed to being “up north” - and what is up there - are drawn to these two.

Bates was traditionally the most granola of the bunch, and it’s hung on to part of that. It has one dining hall because it intentionally wanted everyone to have to be in the same place and have opportunities to connect. While there are artsy kids at all 3 they are probably most visible at Bates. From what you have said, your D might connect best with this one, but many kids end up clicking with several of these 3, and it’s surprising which ones.

Our family had history with Colby and Bowdoin, yet my kid ended up with Colby and Bates as front-runners. Many of his high school classmates applied to both Bowdoin and Colby but not Bates, so I would strongly recommend, if you find yourself in Maine, that you check out all 3.

I have mentioned before that many kids, loyal as they are to their Maine school, could probably be equally happy at the others. With that said, there is a smaller group for whom that is not true. Being on campus when class is in session could help in determining that for you. All 3 are beautiful schools with excellent academics, so it’s just finding the right “flavor” for you.