Boston University Admissions Fall 2022 Regular Decision

Applying to Boston University in 2022? This is a space for the members of the class of 2026 to post questions, comments or admissions stats and updates.


D22 applied last night.
Now the wait begins :crossed_fingers:t2:


My son NOW thinks he wants to apply RD to BU. With application due on Jan 4, it is highly doubtful he will be able to get his supporting documents (counselor recommendation, teacher evaluation, official transcript) to the university in time. As long as he submits his application in time, does anyone know if the supporting documents can be submitted by the end of January? Thanks.

I’m not sure what Boston’s official policy on this is, but most colleges will accept the recommendation, transcript and school report a few days late. Maybe up to a week, but it’s doubtful they’ll wait a whole month.

Won’t his school be able to submit these soon after school reopens in the new year?

(On a side note, he/you should be aware that the deadline for the honors program and merit scholarships has passed).

@DadOfJerseyGirl , thanks! Yes, his high school might respond sooner but was thinking worst case scenario. So noted on the missed programs.

If you are applying with the common app, these should be already in there from his other applications. So should not even delay at all in that case.

Has anyone received a confirmation from BU after submitting their application?

Yes, my daughter received her portal setup email a couple of days after submitting. Check your spam folder. Alternatively, write to the admissions office and ask them to re-send.

Thank you

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Does anyone know why my “Teacher Evaluation” is still missing when it was sent earlier in December by my counselor? I emailed my guidance counselor and he said to contact BU. I emailed them and never heard back

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D22 OOS TO 3.8 UW GPA. Captain of Varsity Softball and Basketball, Musical Art Scholar, 1 AP, 1 IB, 3 Honors, lots of EC. She was deferred from ED1. Hoping they will accept her into the CGS, at least.

Hi! Did anyone else applying to CGS get a mail saying:

Dear Vir:

Thank you for your application for admission to the College of General Studies (CGS) at Boston University.

As part of CGS, the Boston-London Experience is a unique educational program at BU. It is the only program with a study abroad experience built into the first year. This program begins at BU in January 2023 and continues during the following summer in London.

We said we are open to CGS, but did not apply directly. We did not get this email.

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My D22 is in similar situation (OOS 4.0 uw GPA 1 AP some honors many ECs and sports). An August campus visit confirmed BU clearly is her #1 favorite, but she was deferred after ED1, still holding out hoping to be admitted RD to Questrom Business but she has become skeptical that her chances of admission are slim. Did your D22 contact Boston U admissions or do anything else to inform BU of her continuing interest? Best of luck to your D22!

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Her advisor said he doesn’t think it weighs too much to bombard them with extra “I really want to go” emails.

So, I don’t know what to do. Open to suggestions.

New poster here. Can anyone speak to how much weight BU puts on standardized tests in the admission process?

DD is a strong candidate but her ACT score was on the lower side (31 - 35 Eng, 33 Read, 28 Math, 28 Sci). Didn’t take SAT. Other stats: Urban public school; 4.0UW, 4.6W; 12 APs, 11 Honors; 4s & 5s on AP tests; Nat’l level athlete; Capt of high school and club travel team; Managing Editor of school newspaper; award winning journalist; summer job; 100+ community service hours.

DD has been accepted to 2 safety schools, 2 deferrals and 1 rejection from target school. Needless to say, her confidence is waning. BU is her top school so she is terrified she is going to get rejected. Trying to set expectations. It’s been such a stressful admission season.

Good luck to all in the admission process.

Same boat. ED1 to Bu. Deferred. Deferred from Miami and accepted to Delaware. Safety is College of Charleston but she is set on BU. Don’t know what else we can do. Tough year.


Fingers crossed. Good luck to your daughter.


Does anyone know when will the bu rd result come out? Waiting kills me…