Boston University Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

This year, the Early Decision (ED) deadline for the Boston University is November 1.

List your unweighted GPA, any SAT /ACT scores, and ECs. What majors are you going into?
Ask your questions, the CC community is here to help!

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Wondering if applying for Early Decision for BU has a much higher chance than regular decision?

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For class entering two years ago, ED was 35% RD 20%.

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Thank you for the information @minimickey .

BU requests quarter grade to be sent even for early decision. Anyone know if school counselor can upload this grade in “optional report” in common app? Or is it better to send by parchment or email?

What are her chances for ED?
My daughter has 3.9, 4.09 W, ACT 32
Looking at Biology/Enviro Biology with some theater
100s documented volunteers years with NCL and schools
Summer camp counselor several years for Humane Society and school theater and art camps
Student government - class senator
School admissions tour guide
Dorm RA
Drama lead
Works with school on logo drawings
Volleyball 9th and 10th


@delaczayl I read ED has twice the acceptance rate compare to RD. Are you going to submit ACT test score?

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Undecided. I feel she should as she’s within their 50%ile.


If my kid apply for “undeclared major” in CAS of BU, will it be harder to get admitted compared to select a specific major in CAS?

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In addition, what type of students a linguistic major is looking for? Know multiple languages, good at math or CS?

New parent here. D23 ranked BU as Questbridge finalist, and she’s strongly considering ED1 if she doesn’t match. She applied to Comm as Media Science major. Good luck everyone!

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Anyone is notified about missing mid year report? My son sent by parchment on Oct 24 but they said never received it. So the counselor had to email the report directly to BU. Anyone has the sampe problem?

Sorry for the delay. We had the exact same problem and my daughter’s counselor submitted it directly. It’s now showing in her portal as received.


Yes, we had to call the admissions office, and they finally confirmed to have received the midterm grade. Now we wait until December 15th for the decision, fingers crossed!

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Hi everyone! does anyone have any indication as to what day this week decisions will be released? My thought was it will be monday, tuesday or wednesday (before the 15th)

Last year was Dec 14? Don’t know this year

The website says December 15th, my guess is that it will be that date around 3-5 pm ish. Wishing you the best :slight_smile:

The BU portal is in maintenance, is it a sign for decision is coming soon?

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I was wondering the same thing! I really hope it comes out soon I don’t want to be worrying about this all week haha!


Oh boy, portal is in maintenance sounds intriguing. Please post if anyone gets a decision! My daughter has two concerts to get through this week and swears she won’t check until after they are over. In the meantime, I am in worry mode!

portal is back up for me. no decision, though :frowning:

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