CaneLink Issues?

<p>So apparently, on CaneLink (Ms. Voss finally emailed me today! Yay!), it says that UM still hasn't received my transcript or letters of recommendation. Has this happened to anyone else lately?</p>

<p>I actually haven’t been able to look at this stuff on CaneLink all day; has anyone else experienced problems with CaneLink when using Chrome? It says I get a “fatal error” every time I try to open up the to-do list.</p>

<p>That SAME thing happened to me! I’m using Safari, though. However, I saw a preview of my To-Do list. It says I have yet to submit my supporting documents. I’m freaking out, though, ‘cause I’m in New Jersey, and we’re off today and tomorrow for teachers’ convention. Hopefully I’m not royally screwed though lol</p>

<p>They call us from UM saying they are still processing and updating a lot of paperwork and to give it a week for it to update before calling admissions. Last year with my son they did not have a problem, but they were still merging their system to CaneLink so I this year is were they saw the problem.</p>

<p>We have the same problem. 2 items are on to do list that were sent several weeks ago. Hope they resolve it soon as D applied EA and we are concerned.</p>

<p>That shouldn’t be a problem at all. In fact, I called the office of admission; they told me not to be worried. It isn’t that they haven’t RECEIVED our transcripts/LORs, it’s just that they did not MATCH it to our application. They said that it takes quite a while, and that we should NOT be concerned. Everything is electronic; as long as your daughter’s guidance counselor is 100% that all supporting documents have been sent, then everything should be fine. Hope to see your daughter next year! :]</p>

<p>Anyone still has this issue on the CaneLink accout?
DS sees that “Counselor letter” still showing up on his CaneLink To Do list. However, on Comm App, it shows that it was downloaded on 10/29.</p>

<p>My daughter is applying ED and I was able to sort out the problems with UMiami and the Common App. If your daughter is applying ED give them a call. Things are in the system but they are downloading very slowing on the other end. If your daughter is applying EA do not worry so much, most of the problems should be solved in a few weeks once they download the bulk of the documents.</p>

<p>wegotin, thanks. DS is applying EA. Why is this more of an issue for ED and not EA? Don’t they both have the same date?</p>

<p>I got my answer now. ED is Dec 20 and EA is Feb 1.</p>

<p>Hm, I thought ED was the 15th :/</p>

<p>On the website, it states that the notification for ED is 12/20 and EA is 2/1.</p>

<p>They said in the ED letter that they mail acceptance answers no later than Dec 15th. I think that an email could be released on Dec 20th or 12th( it is usually a Friday).</p>

<p>They probably pushed the date for ED acceptance back by a few days since they extended the deadline for submissions.</p>

<p>You are probably right. It was such a complicated year that I do not know how they will be able to go through all the EDs on time.</p>

<p>True! But then again, only about 700 people apply ED. So I’m sure they’ll be fine!</p>

<p>my son applied RD in mid Oct and sent SAT score at the same time. But had SAT in his Canelink’s to do list. Called the school 2 weeks ago, she said don’t worry about it. However, SAT is still on his to do list today. Anybody with smiliar experience?</p>

<p>Same here, except I applied EA.</p>

<p>My D’s canelink status says initiating. There’s no mention of to do list. What’s up with that?</p>

<p>FWIW, my CaneLink was updated today. SAT (which was sent in June) was taken off To Do List, and the Counselor’s report/recommendation is “Initiated”.</p>