CC Forums Migration: Known issues + Status Update

I’ve gone back an forth on this. On the one hand, the huge majority of visitors don’t (and won’t) care about this sort of post. They are here to find out who made it into the schools they are interested in. A thread like this is at best uninteresting and at worst is slightly repellent.

On the other hand, the people who form a real community on College Confidential make this site function and we want to support them. My goal as a community manager is to foster the sense of belonging that so many people feel. You all deserve transparent and regular communication about what’s going on behind the scenes. And I think the participation we see in this subforum is critical to building a healthy community.

For now we’re experimenting with the order of forums so that people new to the site can more easily find the content they are looking for. It’s helpful to know that having this forum near the top was useful for you. The order is in no way final.