Chance/match me as a 3.75 GPA black student in California :)

The UC’s consider 3 UC GPA’s Unweighted, Capped weighted and Fully weighted in their application review which only includes the a-g courses taken 10-11th grades. Since you are a Junior, you need to wait until the end of your Junior year to really know where you stand. Please use the Rogerhub calculator and DE course grades will also be part of your UC GPA if UC transferable.

The UC’s and CSU’s are race and test blind.

You have some wonderful accomplishments however, GPA, HS course rigor and the personal insight essays are Very important in the UC application review.

As noted by @AustenNut, CS is highly competitive at all the UC’s so you need to apply as a CS major or even a Biology major (impacted at many campuses). Switching into the CS major later will be extremely unlikely. International relations would be a slightly easier admit but UC’s like UCLA, UCB will be Reaches with a UC Capped weighted GPA under 4.0+.

If you are ELC eligible (top 9%), the default campus is UC Merced however you are not guaranteed a competitive major such as CS so apply directly to the campus if using it as a Safety. There are plenty of Cal states especially your local CSU that could make a good safety/likely school for CS. Please note the CSU exceptions below posted by @ucbalumnus.

Your categorization of your UC chances is overly optimistic so use the chart above for a general gauging of your chances then use this link for your CS chances. Biology will also be competitive depending upon UC campus.

Applying Undecided can work for IR , possibly Biology but not CS.

The most important thing you can do right now is research schools that would best fit you and make sure you are your parents identify acceptable Safety/Likely schools before proceeding with the rest of your college application list.

Best of luck and come back with your updated data at end of Junior year.

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