Chance Me: Asian Male (Valedictorian) from Alabama with high hopes in MechE [3.98, 33, $25-30k]

For CS+Business consider the Raikes School at UNL. It’s an innovative cohort honors program with an interdisciplinary core curriculum spanning business, CS, data science, and design, on top of which students can major in any related field. You’d have small classes, high-achieving peers, and many great networking opportunities, for a bargain price. Lincoln is a great small city for students.

Also look at the combined major programs at Northeastern and USC Computer Science and Business Administration - USC Viterbi | Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science (With your family income and multiple kids in college, if you want to study in California, USC would be more affordable than a UC, and more attainable than Stanford or Caltech… and a better fit in terms of interdisciplinary Business+CS than any except perhaps Stanford.) Santa Clara U could also be a good option although affordability wouldn’t be guaranteed.

OOS direct-admit rate for CS at UW-Seattle is in the low single digits. Very much not a safety.

Run the Net Price Calculators for all schools you are considering. UC’s will not be affordable, and some of the other OOS publics may not be either. You need some less-reachy private U’s that will still give you need-based aid. Lehigh, for example.