If you’re low income, the private schools will possibly give you an affordable financial aid package. The trick is to get in. Most or, potentially all of them will end up being rejections. And the one you get an acceptance at…might or might not turn out to be affordable.
If you DON’T get into the private schools, you have the publics. Your in-state public would likely give enough financial aid to be affordable…but not always. The ones out of state won’t…not without a scholarship. At public universities, financial aid is for in-state residents only, and the tuition is triple for out of state. I see Rutgers and Maryland on the list. One of those are obviously out of state, so the out of state school should be scrapped from the list.
The list isn’t too bad. And private schools are actually a good choice for low income. I would cast a wider net for private schools. Focus more on the “matches” than the super elite schools. Those are always a bit of a gamble, but they payoff if you get the right financial aid package. You seem to have a good safety, assuming Rutgers is in-state for you. Just make sure you’ve filled out the FAFSA and you know it’s affordable.