Chance me: UW, UCs, CMU, MIT, etc

Congratulations on your wonderful accomplishments! I think you’re going to do well wherever you end up.

College admissions have gotten really competitive the last couple of years, and CS is arguably the hardest major to gain entry to. I was reading the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign thread yesterday and there was an in-state student with a 4.68 GPA and 1560 SAT who was denied to the CS major. There were OOS students with 4.0 UW GPAs and perfect test scores who were denied. I realize that UIUC and Washington are two different universities, but as they’re both extremely well regarded, I’d take it as a signal of how difficult it might be to get in CS at your state flagship, even though you have great credentials.

I prefer not to use reach/match/safety terminology, so I’ve categorized your list of schools with my own labels based on my very fallible sense of what might be your chances of acceptance.


  • Arizona State

Extremely Likely (90+%)

Likely (60-90%)

  • Stony Brook

Toss-Up (40-60%)

Possible (15-40%)

  • U. of Washington
  • CMU (ED)
  • UC Irvine
  • UC San Diego
  • Purdue

Less Likely (15% or less)

  • UC Berkeley
  • UCLA
  • MIT
  • CMU (if not ED-ing)

And yes, have your family run the NFC calculator to see what the university thinks they would be able to afford. If your family is willing and able to pay that number without unsubsidized loans and while keeping on track for a financially secure retirement, great! If your family is not willing and able to do so, however, let us know what the budget is so that we can find schools where you’re likely to meet the budget via sticker price and/or merit aid.