Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

My daughter received her score this morning through Naviance. She has a selection index of 225 in Georgia. With all of the uncertainty of this year, I am praying that it is enough for NMF! Please feel free to share your scores as we await the final cutoffs next fall!


I can guarantee that a 225 will be enough to make semifinalist. Congrats to your daughter!!!

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Congratulations to your D! That is really wonderful news. My D (we are also in GA) saw her score on her Scoir account but there is no index information. Would you mind telling me the conversions for your D from total score to index - you can send me a DM if you would like. Thanks!

There is not a definitive way to go from a total score to an index score because your index score relies on your subsection scores. If your kid can look at their scores on the actual College Board website, then it should show you your index score.

Thanks @riverandsasha3 - I figured that would be the case but was just curious. I suppose she will just have to be patient and wait until Dec 8 when the detailed score hits Collegeboard

S22 saw his tonight on Naviance. SI is 221 in Michigan. We’re hopeful that’s enough!

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I am not familiar with Scoir, but Naviance shows the subsection scores. With those scores, I was able to calculate her SI. Good luck to your daughter!

ETA - Her SI of 225 resulted from an overall 1500 score (750 on both sections).

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@Dis3456 - Thank you for the information and congratulations again to your daughter.

@Dis3456, nice score! Our school is not on Naviance so we’ll need to wait until release on College Board next week. My first two kids were NMF and benefited greatly from college sponsored NMF scholarships at their universities. I don’t know if kid #3 will make it (though he has a good shot) or if he will go to a NMF big scholarship school, but it sure would be nice to have that option for him. Good luck to everyone!

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Scores released (at least for some parts of the country) this morning from College Board for the October 2020 sitting. Wondering whether a 224 will be enough for semifinalist status in NY. Thoughts welcome. Good luck to all.


I would think 224 would be a good one. It’s never been that high before. Congrats on the great score!


224 is higher than any of the US state cutoffs in the recent history or perhaps ever. NY is among the states with higher cutoffs but not among the very top ones.

NY qualifying scores have been 220/221 for the last few years, and 224 should certainly make it. At least that’s my way of thinking, as S22 (also in NY) got the very same score :slight_smile:


S22 got his scores from school a day early. He scored 5 points over the NM selection index for our state last year, and 2 points over the highest selection index for the state over the last 3 years, so he looks good for NM. Time to schedule some visits to Florida schools!


My wife and I checked S22’s score this morning. We are in Tennessee. He scored a 215. We are very proud of him and the work he put in preparing for the PSAT. Of course, a 215 is an excellent score but puts him squarely on the bubble. It is the cutoff score for Tennessee in 2021. Who knows what will happen for 2022? Likely he will earn Commended.

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Really interesting curve on this one. S22 missed 4 on math and got a 690. He missed 5 questions on reading/writing and got a 750. So big penalty for missing any math question, whereas reading was so hard that everyone missed plenty.

What administration date is this curve for? For October 17, -10 on EBRW is 700 and -1 on Math is 750.

The curve is for October 14.

S22 has a 220 Illinois so he is on the bubble. 760 (0) Math and 720 (-7) in EBRW for 10/17 PSAT. Both scores listed as top 1% but may not be for Illinois. Unfortunately they count the reading/writing sections score twice which puts him at a disadvantage.

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I’ve heard there are usually projection for selection index cut off. Does anyone know where I can find them for class 2022? Thank you!

Art Sawyer makes predictions for PSAT cutoff scores, but things are more complicated this year with another PSAT exam scheduled for January 2021. I don’t think Art posted any predictions yet.