Class of 2025 Undergrad/Class of 2023 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Hi everyone, I’ve been asked by a couple of parents whether we will have a music merit awards thread this year. I’m definitely curious about this aspect, so I’m happy to do a thread, but I cannot commit to putting as much effort into it as akapiratequeen put in for her excellent thread for the class of 2024. She did a lot of research on tuition, COA, and included broad information about merit from the schools’ websites said.

Quoting from last year’s thread: “The purpose is 1. to help families set expectations more realistically in terms of what is possible from each school, and 2. to help with negotiations after the offers come in.” I’ll just add that she was aiming to gather music merit only - no academic merit awards, no need based awards - as information is typically available elsewhere on those latter types of awards.

Is there anyone else who would be willing to take on this year’s thread for music merit awards?