College Tables - college data aggregator / filter

I really liked @AustenNut’s post a few days ago (here) in the “Rest in Peace - College Closings” thread, pointing out how the data can indicate the ongoing viability of small colleges. I have a secret hope that — with the 2025 cliff looming — small colleges that aren’t viable will turn into residential living-learning retirement communities for aging Gen X folks, and was looking around at schools that might fit in that category. Sure enough, two of the ones that seemed like promising candidates for that have recently announced that they’re ceasing operations. Sierra Nevada College (CollegeTables page) was looking not-great, and — according to its homepage — was acquired by the University of Nevada, Reno last year. Another, Holy Names University (CollegeTables page) announced a few months back that they’ll cease operations after this year.

Unfortunately, I’m not in a place to actually acquire one of these schools to turn it into a retirement campus, but the data’s certainly interesting to pore through!