Colleges your child crossed off the list after visiting, schools that moved up on the list. Why?

University of Minnesota. Liked it after a tour in the summer. Then toured Purdue, which had a boffo presentation and tour which really impressed us. Now after a revisit to MN, it has gone up again.
Just got back from a ENG specific tour. It was 65-70 minutes long, and the guide for our private tour was a 4th yr. ENG student. Terrific guy, no BS. He and S2 got along great. Wife and I were happy to hang back, and have those two talk.
We toured just about all of the ENG buildings except ChemE, and maybe one other bldg. S2’s area of interest is CS/ECE, so the bldg that houses those disciplines, Keller, was of particular interest.
S2’s summation, “I liked the Keller bldg., but it was probably my 5th favorite one we were in!” After thinking about it, I’d have to agree. The Physics building is traditional, with columns and Ivy, but has undergone a complete reno inside. It looks like a really nice museum, with modern surfaces, light, and exhibits. Aesthetically and feel wise it was our favorite. The Anderson building(MechE) was also nice, but in a more functional way. Really, really nice shops- I am a tradesman and know more than a bit about workshops. Lots of high ceilings, light, and space.
Nano tech bldg was also superb. Smaller, but very interesting shops and research (i.e. Clean rooms) taking place. There was also another bldg, whose name escapes me that had solar and drone projects in them. The Keller bldg seemed to have plenty of space, and lots of nice, curved screens and other pieces of equipment(O scopes, meters, etc.)
In general, it seems the U of MN has done a really good job of having cheery, light filled, modernized, open, study spaces sprinkled throughout their ENG buildings. Really welcoming, and important in a climate like MN when you need to be inside for much of the long winter. Tunnels and skyways between buildings are common. They have also taken care to install lots of new glass even in traditional old bldgs. that would otherwise be gloomy.
After the tour we revisited some of the buildings, and found even more really nice spaces. Also went to the CSE Walter Library, which is a beautiful old thing with super high, coffered ceilings. Even S2, who is more of a modern bldg. guy, liked it.
U of MN seems to have spent a lot of thought, money and time on upgrading and maintaining their buildings. Impressive, and makes me wonder about schools that can’t be bothered to repaint/resurface their old buildings, and still want to charge 60K/yr. tuition. Ironically, the only building that stuck out as butt ugly was the Architecture one… I mean, poop Brown- what were they thinking?