Colleges your child crossed off the list after visiting, schools that moved up on the list. Why?

Duke - High expectations met.

Brandeis - Impressive school.

Bates - Loved the school. Did not like the surrounding area. Felt remote to my So Cal raised son.

Colby - Loved the school. Did not like the surrounding area. Felt remote to my So Cal raised son.

Pitzer & Pomona - Both beautiful and seemingly amazing schools. Great tours. DS loved them but ultimately decided not to apply to Pomona as it seems so tiny.

Davidson - Wow! We had heard good things but were absolutely blown away. DS loved the tour, the campus and lunch with a current student. This school is just laser focused on the student experience.

Tufts - Amazing school. DS loved the tour, the vibe and the location.

Haverford - Fantastic tour. Incredible information session led by the Director of Admissions. DS did not like Philly but loved this campus.

Connecticut College - Did not know what to expect. DS loved the campus, the tour and the information session. Felt like a great “safety” option.

Claremont McKenna - Loved the campus but felt the “bro” culture was too strong. Lots of beer bottles lined up in the door rooms plus we received not-too-positive feedback from a friend that is a department chair at Scripps. Dropped this one right off the list.

Wake Forest - Meh campus and tour. It reminded DS of his high school. Dropped this one.

University of Richmond - Lovely campus. Felt like a back-up school. Spoke of difficulties in integrating non-binary students. DS decided to pass.

Wesleyan - I loved the campus and the tour was great. The Director of Admissions spoke at the information session and really made a great impression on me. My DS was not impressed and couldn’t really remember the school. Unfortunately, I think he was just burnt out on tours. Still made it to his apply list, though.