Computer science/physics schools- where to apply?

Is that GPA weighted or unweighted? What have been the scores on the AP tests?

Also, I know you say that budget isn’t a consideration in making this list. But if it’s going to be a consideration in where to apply or where to enroll, then I think mentioning a budget is helpful and important.

There are some big state schools on this list, but if accepted into their honors colleges, the class size drops significantly (usually no more than 20 per class), and there are frequently other perks like priority registration, reserved dorms, etc.

Trying to keep this list in warmer areas with hiking availability within about an hour and some strength in the proposed majors, here’s what I might suggest:

Extremely Likely (90+% chance of admission)

  • Hendrix
  • Austin College
  • Southwestern University
  • U. of Tennessee – Honors
  • New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology
  • Presbyterian College
  • Arizona State – Barrett Honors College

Likely (60-90% chance of admission)

  • Wofford
  • U. of Portland
  • U. of San Diego
  • U. of the South

Possible (25-55% chance of admission)

  • U. of Washington
  • Texas A&M (honors)
  • Clemson (honors)
  • Reed
  • Santa Clara
  • Pepperdine
  • U. of Georgia (honors)
  • Furman
  • Rhodes
  • Occidental
  • Colorado College
  • U. of Tulsa

Unlikely (less than 25% chance of admission…these schools are unlikely for ALL applicants, not a statement on the strength of your son’s stats and ECs/awards

  • Davidson
  • Duke
  • Rice
  • Pomona
  • Coll. Of William & Mary