Consider not being so quick to close threads

I am a relatively new member here. From my past experiences, it is evident that not every member is treated equally in this forum. For example, when some members deviate from the main topic, that’s perfectly fine in my opinion, a moderator says, " … can we return to the original question?". But for some members, messages get deleted immediately without a request.

Here is one recent example:

I saw this thread ( Are there any party boarding schools? - #10 by Penguins75) and responded to it earlier today. I guess it was against the forum rules to reply to a post after a year! As soon as I posted, the thread got locked, and my post was deleted without any explanations! So I create a new post now. Who knows, maybe this will be deleted too!

“Based on the forum rules and out of respect for moderators”, my posting was edited and the above part was deleted. I mean, really?