CWRU Frequently Asked Questions

One small correction, about 50-100 sophomores at Case Western live on North Residential Village in dorms, unless they built more dorms on South Residential Village, which I think Case did not, they cannot fit all sophomores in South Residential Village so they mix freshman and sophomores in Clarke Tower in North Residential Village. Sophomores live together on certain floors of Clarke Tower and freshman live with freshman there and are part of a themed housing system that focuses on service, fine arts, or sustainability.

Also fraternity brothers and sorority sisters may live in a Greek House on North Residential Village as sophomores. South Residential Village also has some Greek Houses so some students live on South Residential Village for more than one year. Its on a big hill and one can see Lake Erie from up there on a clear day.

Both North Residential Village and South Residential Village have nice rooms. Some people like being up on the hill and a little away from the main campus. There are good cafeterias on both campuses,
and you can get Greenie buses from either location to where you want to go at night.

The big Rec Center with the pool is slightly closer to South Residential Village. There are workout rooms on 115th Street near the stadium so students do work out up there too.

My son lived all four years in North Residential Village and enjoyed it. ( year one Hitchcock, year two Clarke Tower, year three and four the suites on 115th Street with other upper classmen)
The suites on 115th also are next to the baseball diamond and great coffee shops on 115th. Its a nice place to live,
and feels “grownup” as students adjust to the Cleveland environment. It is easier to food shop with a car, but possible to food shop without a car as well.

Off campus housing is less expensive than the upper class suites with kitchens provided by CWRU. Quite a bit of “off campus” housing is just as close to campus and a variety of buildings, some are less well maintained than the CWRU dorms and suites. CWRU upper class housing is all ten years old or newer so its in very good shape and convenient to walk to class. Students share a bath with only one other student in some of the suites. The kitchen is shared by four students, for some suites.

Coventry, a neighborhood about a mile to the east, is a walk but students may live there in the summers and during the school year. There is a city bus
running to campus, and all students get a free bus pass and train pass as part of their student fees.