CWRU Frequently Asked Questions

What is it like to be LGBTQ at Case ?

Have you checked out the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center?

"Fierce Feature: In addition to having a gorgeous LGBT center, Case Western provides transgender-related health care to all of its students as part of their student health care plan. The center also offers an LGBT-related academic opportunity: a short-term, study-abroad course in Amsterdam this spring break called “Gender & Sexuality Justice: LGBT Life in the Netherlands,” which is being offered through the School of Social Work.

‘Freshman year I was kind of nervous when I first arrived on campus. I knew I wanted to be out, but that still didn’t make it any easier. I was even nervous to take some of the LGBT Center’s pamphlets during orientation, or to walk into the center, for fear of someone seeing me. The center had a men’s conversation group and a coming-out group that I began attending, and those helped me tremendously! I have never felt more comfortable being who I am anywhere else in my entire life.’ —Mike Siberski, Case Western Reserve University student

‘I’m a very out lesbian with short hair AND I’m an executive member of a large sorority. At other schools, this would just not be possible. I take for granted how limitless my opportunities are here at CWRU. We have an annual “LGBT? Fine by me” T-shirt giveaway. We always run out of 300-plus shirts within the first 20 minutes. Our allies are fantastic’. —Rya Lally, Case Western Reserve University student"

Case Western Reserve is among the Top 25 LGBT-Friendly Colleges and Universities, according to Campus Pride, a national organization that aims to make universities safer and more inclusive for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals. The recognition follows Case Western Reserve’s first five-star ranking on the Campus Pride Index, a detailed survey of universities’ policies, services and institutional support for LGBT individuals.

From @Coloradomama: I observed my sons friends over four years. I believe gay students are well accepted at CWRU.
One student was gay, and he was right in there with his fellow majors, doing all the same things
and highly successful in getting into top grad schools. CWRU has a midwestern but liberal tradition
by way of Western Reserve College. The speaker at graduation in 2017, was a civil rights attorney,
who prosecuted a case against the US federal government for deliberately not treating black men for syphilis! Amazing man who graduated from CWRU Law. Good luck.