Differences between top east-coast LACs? (Williams, Amherst, Swarthmore, Bowdoin, Middlebury, etc.)

Bates: Egalitarian founding principles still appear in student culture.

Colby: Classic LAC size. New president has added dynamism. Winter cold suitable for the adventurous.

Colgate: Beautiful campus, charming small village. Beyond its popular social sciences programs, offers interesting course choices in natural sciences and humanities.

Vassar: English major and fine arts veneer laid over a generally intellectual liberal arts college. New science building supports continuing academic ambitions.

Haverford: Egalitarian through both history and current culture. Bi-college arrangement adds academic breadth, but collective gender imbalance potentially creates uneven social relationships.

Williams: Intellectually capable students. Noteworthy athletic presence. Excellent for visual arts. Mountains form backdrop that impressed Thoreau.

Swarthmore: Disproportionately brilliant students appear to have chosen their school for authentic reasons. Lacks academic range to an extent (e.g., no geosciences department), but offers its own engineering program.

Amherst: Strong programs in areas such as literature and government, to name just two. Sufficienty deep to have changed its mascot. Consortium benefits, though with associated gender imbalances.

Hamilton: Legacy of having been two colleges of complementary characteristics and emphases manifests in enhanced academic, social, architectural and spatial dimensions and balance. Beautiful campus with Adirondack feel.

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