Does applying for the Tufts-SMFA dual degree program increase acceptance chances?

I’m applying for the BA-BFA dual-degree program at Tufts and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts. SMFA has an acceptance rate of 90%. Would being accepted to SMFA/ expressing an interest in the dual-degree program increase a student’s chances of being accepted to Tufts (14% acceptance rate)?

Acceptance rate for dual degree applicants is higher than for just Tufts admits.

Woo hoo! Do you know the numbers specifically? (and where did you get the info?)

Tufts is aware of this trick and it will not work as a back door to Medford admission.

Gotcha, thanks

I know several people in the dual degree program, and that is what they have told me about admissions from their personal standpoints.

@potentialtransfer2018 So these dual degree students you know had inferior stats coning into Tufts?

I’m asking out of curiosity. And I’m applying to do the dual-degree program because I want to do it. Not trying to find any loopholes…

@TomSrOfBoston yes, their stats were lower than average for Tufts (think below 30 on the ACT, usually not in top 10% for high school rank). Tufts is likely more inclined to accept dual degree applicants at a higher rate since the program isn’t as popular, and possibly also because the applicants’ art portfolios matter along with their academics.

@TomSrOfBoston I am a dual degree student and I know many others. We work incredibly hard and take more classes than engineers and regular tufts students. I got into the program with a ACT score of 32 an unweighted GPA of 3.98 and did many extra curricular activities. Don’t think that we do the dual degree program as an easy way out because it is so hard.

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@LeahRose115 That is not my opinion of the dual degree option. I was replying to another poster who wanted to apply to it given her below average stats.

We visited the SMFA when the merger had JUST happened - within 30 days of the 2016 change. How do those of you enrolled feel that it is working out??

If I apply for this are there chances I will only be admitted to smfa? Preferably I’d like to be in the dual degree program however if I were to only get into smfa I wouldn’t enroll.

The act of applying to to the dual degree program would probably not impact your chances of admission, BUT…

Because admission to the SMFA is dependent on putting together a competitive art portfolio, admission to the SMFA would indicate strong artistic ability, which would help with admission to the college of liberal arts (as compared to not having demonstrated strong artistic ability). Demonstrating strong artistic ability would count as both an extra curricular accomplishment and an indicator of creativity (which is an attribute that both Tufts’ school of liberal arts and school of engineering look for).

Note that the dual degree program takes 5 years and and between 51 and 53 courses (over 5 courses per semester), which is very challenging.

Can anyone speak to the quality of the instructors on the Boston campus? Do students like living there? How are the studios and dorms? My daughter is a likely applicant and I am a Tufts alum. BTW for those who are curious, Univ of MI counts applicants portfolios as 50% of their admissions decision and that seems fairly typical at some visual arts programs. It’s likely Tufts will consider your portfolio as a major factor in admissions and not just as another EC. It also makes sense that Tufts and other BFA/MFA programs might accept someone whose SATs or rank etc was a little below their norm if they have a strong portfolio. That doesn’t make it a “back door” really unless you are a strong artist.

@chemmchimney I’m not an SMFA student myself, but a couple of my friends are and live in the Boston dorms — and they are beautiful. Tufts bought and converted some old apartments/row homes, and they are stunning. Think hard-wood floors, walk-in closets, and beautifully-redone bathrooms. The common rooms are complete with a fireplace, making them feel Hogwarts-esque.