University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Hey all! I’ve been looking, but I haven’t seen any thread for Umich yet! I’m a rising senior and planning to apply ea to umich, so here’s a thread to use. I’m also from mi, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask!


@xmasberry Best of luck!

I’m also planning on applying EA


In addition to a teacher and counselor, does it benefit a student at all to submit an additional recommendation from a summer employer relating to the major that the student is interested in? I have heard that admissions won’t review any letters of recommendation from anyone other than a teacher and counselor, but then it also seems like it couldn’t hurt. Anyone have advice? Thanks.

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Hey guys, I’m planning to apply to umich EA. Here are my stats
SAT- 1500
UW GPA-4.0
class rank - 1/77 ( small public, rural school)
AP exams (5)s: World, Biology, Calc ab, Macro, Micro
AP exams (4)s: US and English literature

Senior Schedule:
AP phys 1
Ap phys C
AP Stats
English 12

Extra curriculars
Football varsity -2X captain, MVP, all conference, all county, Kalamazoo dream team
Powerlifting- 194lb. State runner up, regional champ, 5 school records
Track varsity- all conference
Student council- Class president

Three years at McDonalds … worked my way up to manager

In- State student
Chinese American(adopted)

In state, you’re close to a lock if you write good essays. Out of state, anything goes. It’s a crap shoot

I just want to give everyone a big heads up regarding Michigan EA. Michigan Admissions appears to be engaging in significant yield protection. My son applied out of state last year. He, and a number of other well qualified classmates, was continuously deferred throughout the process. It was an ongoing disappointment. Finally, in very late March he was let in and then immediately admitted to Ross Business; which is supposed to be for top admits. Well, Michigan’s approach was not well received. My son went to Stanford.


I’m not sure… you don’t want to have too many recs. If you think it will be a significant aid, then you should ask. If it’s just a repetition, I do not recommend it.

The last breakdown that I’ve seen regarding in-state versus OOS acceptance rate was from the 2018-2019 (pre-Covid) admissions cycle:

OOS 19%
In-state 41%
Overall 23%

And during the 2019-2020 (Covid year), the in-state yield appeared to increase and the OOS yield decreased, because very few in-state students, if any, posted an acceptance off the waitlist.

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I wouldn’t worry if I were you. In fact, I would apply to even more prestigious schools than MI.

Chance me please:

*Applied EA
*ACT 33
*GPA 3.81 (UW); 3.9 UW (sophomore and junior year).

*Took 2 APs junior year (only 3 available to take at HS, and none available Soph year)
*Taking 3 APs this year
*Both parents attended UM, plus grandparent
*Solid extracurriculars (particularly out of school internships), but nothing amazing.

*47 applicants from high school last year, 10 were accepted.
*No one at H.S. will have more demonstrated interest than me.

*I’m definitely headed for a deferral, but am wondering others’ thoughts on chances for admission in Feb/March.


Here are my stats

In-state Asian applying for Comp Sci EA
ACT: 33
GPA: 3.89 UW 4.03 W (Up to end of Junior year, counting +/- for grades, AP is 5.0)
School Info: Excellent public school(1300 students)
Family: Middle-class in fringe rural setting
APs: 1 sophomore year(AP World) and 4 Junior year(AP Calc AB, AP Chem, AP US Hist, AP CSP)
AP Scores: AP World(4) AP Calc AB(4) AP Chem(4) AP CSP(4) APUSH(5)
Senior schedule: Honors Physics, AP Bio, AP Govt, Guided Study, AP Calc BC, AP Lit
ECs: Varsity Cross Country 9th,10th,11th grade Varsity Track and Field 9th and 10th grade(11th grade track cancelled)
45+ weeks a year running to stay in shape year-round, Varsity swimming 9th grade, Solar car club 9th grade, High school volunteering club 9th 10th 11th grade, NHS (majority is service-based around 200 hours), China Cultural Exchange summer program before 10th grade, summer stem program before 11th grade,
Awards: Regional conference academic award 9th, 10th, 11th grade, AP Scholar with Distinction, AP Scholar with Distinction 11th grade, PSAT National Merit Scholar(Commended), College Board Rural and Small Town Recognition Program.

I could be wrong, but I don’t think UMich cares about demonstrated interest.

According to the CDS, “level of applicant’s interest” is “considered” at Michigan.

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BTW, this isn’t a “chance me” thread. There’s a forum for “chance me” threads elsewhere here on CC. Please post your own “chance me” thread there to get more eyeballs for responses.


Yes they do.

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Is this new this year or do they always say this but release decisions in December?

“We will contact you if we need any additional information and appreciate your patience as we review your application. Your decision will be released in late January”

Assuming your speaking about a first time-first year applicant (freshman), then EA decisions are released the week before Xmas.

The first wave of RD decisions are released late January/early February. Maybe Friday, January 29, 2021.

Hey y’all, what do you think my chances are for admission to UMich?

GPA: 4.00 unweighted, 4.50 weighted
ACT: 35
SAT Subject Tests: 800, 790, 720
AP Exams: all 5s
AP Classes (all offered at my school plus one online): English lang, English lit, World History, APUSH, European History, Calc AB, Stats, Bio, Physics 1, Microeconomics

Awards: Nothing super fantastic, just the usual - NHS, AP Scholar with distinction, National Latin Exam Medals, National Merit Semifinalist

Swimming - Captain, 20 hours per week, top 10 in state
MUN - President, 4-year participant, multi-time Best Delegate Award winner
Attended summer programs in business
Attended training trips to the Olympic Training Center for Swimming
Attended a swim camp at Army West Point
Interned on a congressional campaign
Volunteered at two local organizations
Worked full-time at a local warehouse multiple summers
Coached a local swim team over the summer for younger kids

LORs: should be good but not amazing

Background: White male, out-of-state, does not need financial aid. Not technically a “legacy” per se but my cousin did attend UMich (which I mentioned in an essay)

My essays are good to great. Definitely will help my application at least a bit.

I applied EA to LSA with preferred admission preference to Ross.

Anyways, let me know what my chances could be :smile: