Final MT Decisions Background - Class of 2024

Below are the categories from prior years and a link to last year’s thread:

Programs Applied to:


Accepted to:


Rejected from:

Wait-listed at:


Summer Programs:


Final Decision:

Programs Applied to: Belmont 10/26/19, Carnegie Melon 1/20, University of Cincinnati 1/20, Oklahoma City University March 2020

Prescreens: Michigan=WAITING, Carnegie Melon-YES (within a week), University of Cincinnati-YES (within a week), FSU-WAITING, Elon (haven’t submitted yet), Ithaca (haven’t submitted yet)

Accepted to: Belmont


Rejected from:

Wait-listed at:

Coach: none

Summer Programs: none

Background: Started MT when he was young, gave up competitive soccer to dance, then decided to give up competitive dance for MT. Has performed in numerous professional, community and school shows from ensembles to lead roles. He LOVES music and he prefers musicals over plays EVERY and ANY day. LOL

Final Decision:

@chenggang, the idea of this thread is to post AFTER you’ve made the final decision on what school to attend. It’s a way to show everyone’s journey - training, schools applied to, acceptances and rejections, and how they made the final decision.

@chenggang ^What actorparent1 said. This is a thread that usually is started in March/April/May at the end of the journey. :slight_smile:

for ongoing info try Prescreen Results for Class 2024 (or a variation of this).

I copied the above format from the previous year and started the thread not knowing there was a particular month to start it or if it has to a be by a select individual. I saw where in the past this thread was started in January and another thread listing the Accepted Colleges was made in November (it just doesn’t have the background info). I know some persons have already made decisions personally so I didn’t think anything of it. I forgot when I posted DSs info it couldn’t be updated as we went along, for that I am deeply sorry for a misguided post. I’ve requested it to be deleted @actorparent1 .

PARENTS with college choices made: Copy and post with your child’s info as they make their acceptances. For those currently in prescreens, just disregard this thread until you have made your decision and then come back and share your child’s success and college choices.

@chenggang I think there were several threads that people had when acceptances started coming in… I personally found those very helpful in terms of timing and when to audition for my D this year . other thread " the final decision…" thread was usually the whole great story of the process…I have attached those threads for reference so this years class can decide what we should start posting ( mainly for the benefit of future classes in my opinion)

Personally, I like the format of this thread the best. Perhaps we can add the date the decision was posted for the applicant for future classes. I also plan to add academic stats to my D’s final decisions only because at least two of her schools are based solely on GPA, SATs, personal insight questions and do not include a prescreen or audition. Unfortunately, in my search of CC I found past applicants accepted to these programs but no such stats listed.

well this thread has been dormant for 4 months, bumping in hopes that some activity begins soon :smile:

Yesterday, I heard from a trusted source that most schools (universities not departments) would be pushing back to June 1 acceptance. There are a few departments that are trying to stick to May 1 but it is possible their schools may push back on them to amend to June 1. Additionally, all of the schools know that accepted students who had planned to visit are scrambling and most of them are putting together something right now to help with that. Each school is doing it differently — if you are accepted (Or even waitlist) for a school, reach out to them and see what they are doing. Some are putting virtual tours together, Zoom one-on-ones with faculty or directors or students, some are assigning students to incoming accepted — there is no one way anyone is approaching this but if you haven’t heard from one of your accepted schools on this — reach out and ask. Also, some schools still haven’t gotten their acceptances out yet. So if you haven’t heard from a school one way or the other, reach out and ask if you are still being considered. And last, financial aid packages for some schools are being delayed. This is really important and some kids can’t release schools (or choose) until they get this. Another reason many schools are pushing date back to June 1.

@onette helpful information–I am trying to share a list with our small college prep (academic program, where son is the only senior applying for MT/acting) college counselors a list of the schools honoring the new date(s). It does seem we need to contact each of the schools he’s w/l and accepted and check with financial aid and honors programs, if applicable. I am somewhat confused about how honors programs manage admission during wait list status; one large school where son is waitlisted (he won’t let me post names till he decides; I know, I hate it, too!) automatically showed his honors college admit status as soon as he paid a housing deposit. For further discussion of housing deposit vs enrollment deposit vs refundable and non refundable housing deposit, pm me? Or?

@allfour1 - that is odd you wouldn’t be able to learn status of honors admission until deposit?? For many students, that would be necessary info to make that final decision??? I would reach out to regular admissions and ask. Or maybe the theatre department? To see if they could help be a conduit to honors?

@onette it could have been coincidence, or maybe honors admissions was stuck in their multilayered system. Biggest, most complicated portal of all the schools we’re working on. Yes going to ask one of his w/l schools program directors about honors–it is an automatic admit honors program and assumed he would have heard already.

@allfour1 - I agree with @onette; seems odd. My D heard back from all the Honors Colleges/Programs she applied to without having to make any type of deposit. I think something just got lost in the shuffle

We chased down the missing Honors College invite and it was an oversight and we’ve sorted it. No deposit required.

@allfour1 glad to hear you got it worked out!

bumping for details @MTSongbirdMom reminded me that we should have seen some action here by now :smiley:

We are sooooo close! I actually have my whole blurb written up but I’m waiting for a few financial pieces to fall into place first!

Programs Applied to: about 30

Prescreens: Pace, FSU, BOCO, Syracuse, TXState, Millikin, Illinois Wesleyan

Accepted to: Ohio U, Viterbo, Molloy/Cap 21

Withdrew: Millikin and Illinois Wesleyan, didn’t go through audition after early acceptances

Rejected from: lots!

Wait-listed at: Syracuse, and i guess Missouri St and Wright State bc we still haven’t heard

Coach: local theatre company, Moonifieds

Summer Programs: none

Background: late bloomer, D was an athlete until she auditioned for her high school musical freshman year, then had to catch up with non stop training ever since! Girl had to learn how to dance in less than 3 years!

Final Decision: Molloy was her top choice after having such a great experience at Chicago Unifieds. We still haven’t heard from all schools but she’s so comfortable with the program she knows where she wants to be already and the rest won’t matter to her. She loved Viterbo too, her mind could have swayed if she was allowed to visit. She hasn’t visited Molloy either but at least we’ve been to NY a few times, plus she’s told us for a few years she would be there eventually, we just didn’t think it would be so soon! Molloy has also been great with the virtual options and connecting her with other accepted students, she just feels at home already!

Congrats to your d @2020MTMom !