Final MT Decisions Background - Class of 2024

Wow!! where to begin? How to even describe this journey?! I’ve been thinking about this post for TWO YEARS. I looked at my college confidential profile 4000 +/- visits in two years/650+ posts……guess I was a bit obsessed? OCD? Let’s just call me committed Dad

I’ll start with the obligatory info then tell the story- sorry for the length in advance- feel free to skip to the end if you so desire (like you need my permission)

Schools applied to: Baldwin Wallace, Ball State, Belmont, BOCO, Catholic, Carnegie Mellon, CCM, Coastal Carolina, Elon, Indiana, Ithaca, Marymount, Michigan, Millikin, Molloy/Cap 21, Montclair, Muhlenberg ( BA safety) Ohio U, Oklahoma City, Otterbein, Penn State, Point Park, Rider, Roosevelt, Shenandoah, Syracuse, Texas state, Webster, Wright state.

Pre- screens: passed: 5/17 CMU, Roosevelt, Millikin, Indiana (initially got a pre-screen wait list? What the heck is that??- more later) & Coastal Carolina (only school on our list that asked for option B on the common prescreen- we submitted option A & still got the pass?!)

Dad panics a tad in early October after 7 consecutive pre-screen Nos and insists we add Miami, Arizona & Columbia College of Chicago as we learned Muhlenberg won’t notify us either way till March- not really what we wanted out of the “safety”. Worth noting at this point DD originally argues for no Fla schools (humidity/ curly hair issue? What does dad know about that??) & avoid NYC/long island schools- doesn’t say it but like most kids wants to go away for college. Daughter counters with Ok if we add those schools I want to audition for Juilliard- they don’t require a prescreen- dad hands over the credit card thinking (Ummmm Juilliard isn’t exactly going to increase our chances & hard to call Juilliard anything but a lottery & think we have enough lottery types on our “ well- crafted list” but we forge ahead.)

Coach: MTCA- I am not here to lobby for coaching whatsoever, as you read this story you will see I had the time to do all the obligatory work, many times I wondered why we needed this “National Coaching service”. Could we have done it without them? I’m sure we could have. But I am truly glad we didn’t. Additionally, not only did the coaches help with the artistic pieces that dad is worthless in adding value, but they were incredible “mental health coaches/ cheerleaders” in this roller coaster ride. She listened to her coaches even when they said the same things as I did. Moreover, invaluably, they were huge supporters during the rough times. A luxury for those with resources no doubt, but I would not have changed it. For future parents, remind yourself often these are still 18 year-old kids. My kid is not needy, high drama. not a diva, minimal if any attitude- & yet there were many times these coaches were truly needed to “talk her off the ledge”. I cannot say enough good things about the MTCA directors: Leo, Charlie & Ellen. Her individual coaches: Tim Russell (voice), Ryan Quinn (Monologue), Marcus Guy (song), Katierose Mclaughlin (dance) truly special human beings talented, kind, motivating. Will always be thankful they were along for my D journey.

Accepted Schools: academically ALL- I think this gets overlooked, but my D has a twin & she applied to 6 school (not MT) every yes came with huge excitement. For the MT kid academic acceptances get “throw it on the pile with the rest of them & does it matter how much academic $$ they give me if I don’t pass my audition!?”

After early BFA/BM acceptances: Withdrew from Molloy/Cap21, Marymount, Miami (note the anti Fla/ anti NYC/LI slant) & Columbia College of Chicago- No longer needed another non audition safety- thinking so glad I panicked a month ago and added those additional application fees! UGHHH

For the rest of this final story I’m going to go off script a little bit I take you month by month through this journey. It was done by @mypennyx2 & his legendary post circa 2014- I found that format incredibly helpful as we planned so that’s what I’m doing – this post is 1/3 for all of you current and past people who have shared your knowledge your tears and your joys, 1/3 for me & my family & 1/3 for those that come next. Let me start by saying this process is NOT for the faint of heart. No one gets through it unscathed. There are soooo many talented kids & even after going through it, I still can’t tell you why some have success and others don’t. MANY talented kids get shut out. Which brings me to the list. Yes, we probably over did it, no you don’t need 30+ schools. But when you read here about fit & a well-crafted list- I’m still not sure how I would ween down our list. We did more research than one might think humanly possible (again note 4000 visits to CC in 2 years). I am certain had I tried to pare down to a more “reasonable” number I might have eliminated a school that ultimately became a yes. How do you explain passing the CMU prescreen but not some of our others? Reminder these are my opinions, not looking to debate or cause controversy about what a top school is vs what is not. If you don’t like my views expressed her, you don’t have to read this……deep breaths

Now maybe most importantly before I continue with the details of our journey, a few Caveats- my goal here is NOT to offend anyone. These are all my opinions, feel free to disregard them but please don’t start an online battle or controversy. These are my opinions based on my experiences. I am entitled to mine & you are entitled to yours. Ok off the soap box for now. ALSO, I will try to cite as many current and past CCers for 2 reasons 1) to acknowledge all that they have done knowingly or unknowingly to help me 2) so that future people can search their posts & gain some nugget of info that will help you future parents and kids in what is a process like nothing else I have experienced in my 50 years on this earth.

( cont’d…)