Final MT Decisions Background - Class of 2025

My girl is a MT girl who only applied to acting programs so I thought I’d post in both groups. Here we go. She applied to 10 schools. I’m going to list them in order of audition and say a little about each one. That really helped me in the past when I would lurk on these threads so I’m trying to pay it forward lol

She passed all of her pre-screens.

Juilliard- Looking back maybe she shouldn’t have done this one first? Hard no out the gate. Didn’t make the first cut. Didn’t really connect with the people in the room. Just all around a nope. I do appreciate the fact that they don’t make you sit wait and wonder for months she had her rejection email within the hour.

Montclair state acting- She added this one to her list late in the game. Her PA school tries to get everyone to apply to one local school. She didn’t so Montclair was added because they give instate tuition to BFA kids. She absolutely loved her callback and the women who run the program. Had a great conversation with her and left feeling great. She got her acceptance email 3 days later.

DePaul- loved how they ran the callback. Loved doing the partner work. Didn’t really have any kind of interview. Waitlisted.

UNCSA- Liked that everyone auditions with the same 2 people. Really felt like they wanted to get to know her as a person and artist. Overall amazing experience. Got a call In February telling her to save the date for accepted students weekend then got her official acceptance call a week later.

Webster- This one is funny. Didn’t click with them from the jump. Her outgoing voicemail message was very old. It was her saying “hello? Hello?” and pretending not to hear. The lady who called to schedule her callback didn’t appreciate that at all :grimacing: Guess we were lucky it happens early and she changed it. Audition went well. Got an email 2 days later saying she would be a great fit for the program and that kids who stay in touch with them rise to the top of the applicant pool. She sent a thank you message but that was it. No more contact. Rejected.

Pace- Added this one late after doing a workshop with a faculty member that she really enjoyed. Loved the way they did the callback. Loved the students helping out. She made it to the end of the day and was told she would either be in or waitlisted. She really felt a connection with this one and was a little surprised that she was waitlisted.

Rutgers- Quick and easy. Loved the audition. Got invited to callback weekend. Full disclosure callback weekend was after her acceptance to the school that she ended up choosing and her heart wasn’t really in it. She enjoyed it but she didn’t really click with the students or faculty. Rejected.

Emerson- Loved it. Got some super fun adjustments and had a great conversation. Really liked the questions he asked her. Admitted by email.

BU- Horrible storm the day of audition and internet went out so she missed it. Emailed Them ASAP and they were super understanding. Ended up auditioning with just the department head a few days later. Loved it. Loved her. Awesome conversation. Overall great experience. Got a call from a current student letting her know she was accepted. Got official acceptance the next morning.

Minnesota/Guthrie- Callback weekend. Really got to know a ton about the school. Loved getting to know the current students. They really went above and beyond to make them feel welcome and tried to make the whole experience fun. Loved getting to do a stretch piece for them. Had a great interview with the faculty. Accepted by phone call.

I think her love of performing started in dance class. Danced competitively for 10 years. Started doing musical theatre camps in 3rd grade and that was it. Private voice lessons started around 4th grade. Did a local summer acting intensive in 7th grade and realized how much she loved it. She is definitely an actor first. She started doing professional work around our city when she was 11 and has stayed consistently busy with that. She is lucky to go to an amazing public PA school that helps them through the audition process. She started there in the prep program in 7th grade and has been a full time student since Freshman year. They have a scholarship fund for kids to do summer programs and because of this was able to do the UNCSA summer intensive before Jr. year and Artsbridge before senior year. Artsbridge was invaluable. She got to know faculty from a lot of her top schools and it really got her in the right mindset for auditions. No Coach. Her list made me very nervous. She didn’t cast a wide net or have a safely school she said from the beginning that she would only apply to schools that she loved and could picture herself going to so her “safety” would be staying home and working for a year. Thankfully her gamble paid off :joy:

FINAL DECISION- UNCSA!!! She’s a pickle! This has been her absolute dream school since she was 12. The curriculum is perfect for her. She wanted to be in a place where she could focus solely on her art. She was emotionally committed as soon as she got the call. She accepted as soon as she got her scholarship offer. We are absolutely thrilled :green_heart:

Best of luck to all of you!!