<p>I think we should sticky a list of completely free programs. Free can mean everything but airfare, or can mean airfare included. There are just way too many pages of random programs that are free or might be low-cost due to some catch and it's just too complicated to any newcomers here. So can we start a thread with NOTHING but free programs, or programs with excellent financial aid? We can also follow a format like:
<For What>
<Free/Excellent Financial Aid>
<p>The Robert E. Cook Honors College Summer Honors Program
Grades 9-12
$1250 for 2 weeks, merit- and need-based scholarships available. I know at least one person there last year on a full need-based scholarship, and I myself received a $250 merit award without any special application.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
[The</a> Robert E. Cook Honors College Summer Honors Program for High School Students at Indiana University of Pennsylvania](<a href=“http://old.www.iup.edu/honors/shp.html]The”>http://old.www.iup.edu/honors/shp.html)</p>
<p>Carnegie Mellon University’s Summer Programs for Diversity
Rising HS Seniors
6-weeks studying one of the areas: Architecture, Art, Design, Musical Theater/Acting, Music, or academic programs like AP/EA and SAMS
Free (tuition, dining, and board paid…you cover your own transportation/food/miscellaneous expenses)
Pittsburgh, PA
[Carnegie</a> Mellon Summer Programs for Diversity](<a href=“http://www.cmu.edu/enrollment/summerprogramsfordiversity/]Carnegie”>http://www.cmu.edu/enrollment/summerprogramsfordiversity/)</p>
<p>If I get rejected from TASP, this is probably where I’m going. Not exactly prestigious, but it fits the qualifications of this thread. NOT a governor’s school.</p>
<p>Reynolds Writing Workshop
HS sophomores-seniors
$1100 for 8 days. “Generous financial assistance, made possible through the Reynolds Endowment, is available. Financial aid awards will be commensurate with the applicant’s demonstrated financial need.”
Denison University (OH)
[Application</a> and Tuition - Denison University](<a href=“Academics | Denison University”>Denison University | A top liberal arts college located in Ohio)</p>
<p>Alpha F/SF/H Workshop for Young Writers
Aspiring genre (fantasy/science fiction/horror) writers aged 13-19
$950 for 10 days. Financial aid is limited but available including full scholarships, likely with some accounting of merit as well (financial need is taken on the applicant’s honor).
University of Pittsburgh - Greensburg ¶
[Alpha</a> SF/F/H Workshop for Young Writers](<a href=“http://alpha.spellcaster.org%5DAlpha”>http://alpha.spellcaster.org)</p>
<p>I have a question about post #1. Carleton College: Carleton Liberal Arts Experience.</p>
<p>Is this program only for people of African American descent? We were thinking of applying for this program for out sophomore D. But we are not African American. Also, out of 50 student that get accepted how many are non-african american?</p>
<p>It’s not only for African-Americans , but much of the subject matter deals with African-American culture. Quite a few people were of mixed race also. There was one Chinese girl and she seemed a bit uncomfortable. I’d say out of the 52 there were maybe two that weren’t African-American whatsoever.</p>