Generally, how is taking DE/college classes in high school viewed?

Since it looks like you will be a biology major or pre-med in college, consider these questions:

  1. Are introductory chemistry and biology the general chemistry and biology courses suitable for biology majors, or are they preparatory courses covering high school level material (since the general chemistry and biology courses may list the high school courses as prerequisites), or are they courses for some other majors but not biology majors?
  2. For statistics, you may need to take a course for science majors, rather than one intended for general education requirements for no-math majors.
  3. Anatomy and physiology at the high school or college frosh level may not be too useful compared to upper level courses in those subjects that list general biology as a prerequisite.

If you will be a pre-med, consider the content of FAQ Pre-med courses, AP/IB/etc. credit and college/DE courses, etc.