GeorgiaTech Class of 2026 Waitlist

From looking at waitlist acceptance stats at GT and several other schools it appears that both 2020 and 2021 were atypical years.

  • 2020: COVID year, lots of students chose to defer/withdraw → a very large number of applicants got off the waitlist because there was tons of space.
  • 2021: enrollment was near full because of all the prior year deferrals → very few applicants got off the waitlist.

Stats for GT waitlist for the past 5 years:

2021: 4,916 accepted a place on the WL - 276 were admitted
2020: 4,235 accepted a place on the WL - 853 were admitted
2019: 2,623 accepted a place on the WL - 632 were admitted
2018: 2,265 accepted a place on the WL - 72 were admitted
2017: 2,822 accepted a place on the WL - 21 were admitted