Happy Ending Financial Aid stories

<p>My Son is on a waiting list for more financial aid ( what they granted is less than what we need to be able to send him) at Kimball Union ... The FA dept has been wonderful and understanding listening to our appeal. They said they would let us know by mid April if funds would open up and if we would be able to be awarded more.
We are trying to remain hopeful but also know we need to seriously think about plan B since our local high school is not a great fit for him. I was wondering if others have been in this situation and what their outcomes were ... We are new to this ... Thanks</p>

<p>I haven’t been in your exact situation, but it sounds tough. Since it seems like you have been in contact with Kimball Union, I would make a last attempt to let them know that this is where your son plans to attend if offered FA (at least more); perhaps you could look at your finances and lower the number a bit. If your local high school isn’t a good fit, I would then look at local private day schools, schools with rolling admissions (of which there are many of very high caliber), or even a home or online school. Lastly, do a good amount of research to see if there are scholarships, grants, programs, and loans available for your son. You might be able to cover some or all of the difference. Additionally, you could try a home school or day school for a year and reapply. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you … We are in the process of doing all that you mentioned… We are busy exploring all of our options… It has become a bit of an obsession for me. I have spent the last 2 weeks nonstop writing letters and looking at all options… Fingers crossed! Thanks for your information.</p>

<p>Not your situation exactly, but we successfully appealed a financial aid award once, midway through. I’m guessing that this was because our kid had a major summer expense that the school saw as a worthwhile activity. </p>

<p>That said, I’d be wary of committing to the school if the first year award is already pushing you beyond your limits. Keep in mind that there’s no guarantee that the award will stay the same from year to year–ours has varied, up and down, from one year to the next with relatively small increases and decreases in income. It helped that the original award was not a major stretch (i.e. the paint is still peeling off the house and the cars are 15 plus years old, but we’re not reduced to rice and beans at every meal)</p>

<p>Oh, thank heaven. I thought this thread was suggesting a new way to pay for BS.</p>

<p>@CM: I just got that…LOL.</p>

<p>@SevenDad and @ChoatieMom</p>

<p>It went ovah ma head… </p>

<p>ROTFL @stargirl13, GOOD, I’m glad! It definitely isn’t something 13 year-olds should know about :wink: But it <em>was</em> funny, @ChoatieMom! It didn’t dawn on me until I read your post!!! Too funny!! But with tuition due in a little over 4 months, desperate times may call for desperate measures!!!</p>

<p>Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself. We all need to lighten up a little here these days.</p>

<p>@ChoatieMom my mind immediately went there too but I was trying to be the good little catholic school girl :smiley: </p>

<p>Thank you for keeping this site so real and down to earth …minds in gutter … I am addicted to all of your stories… If not happy endings to pay for BS … maybe a reality tv show based on the stories/ characters on this site… </p>

<p>I’m in the exact same situation at another school…they did come up with a good bit of FA but not enough to make it affordable for us…Interesting that your school is KU…they just called my kid for a skype interview next week and I talked to them about needing a lot of FA to make it work…he said they would know more mid -April so at least you are already on the waitlist for it…let us know how it turns out…</p>

<p>Thank you so much for sharing !! We are on our way back from the Revisit day right now at KUA… It is nice to know there is more money out there and I hope you too will get a share … It is an amazing education and I wish all of those who were qualified and wanted to attend were given the opportunity .
We have been so happy with the staff both teachers and admissions from day one. My husband and I also attended classes today and we were blown away at the caliber of education,facilities and faculty.
I think a lot of people use it as a back up school and I am sure this puts you in a good position as well because they may already know people may have declined admission . My son does know of a few kids who apply who did not get in as well … Good luck … </p>

<p>Would a FA happy ending include getting off a waiting list needing FA? I read thru all the posts about wait lists (I think, I definitely tried to!) and didn’t really see anyone say, “Yippee I am off wait list and I was offered FA.” Does anyone know of that happening? I know chances are slim already. I know “love the school that loves you.” I know I should move on, but I am just wondering cuz I was put on waiting list at all 3 schools I applied to. </p>

<p>One of my best friends got off the waitlist at SAS last year. (This was before I knew her). She declined the offer, not because she didn’t want to go, but because her parents weren’t in agreement on her leaving (parents divorced). I don’t know if she was offered FA or not. I was on the same waitlist but never got a call (as did so many others on that list). It’s not real common that people get off the waitlist, particularly if they are asking for FA. In fact, if you are waitlisted and seeking a large amount of FA, it means you were a qualified applicant (as all the waitlist letters say,) but most likely waitlisted because of the school’s inability to provide you with the financial aid you need. If I were you, I would call the schools and ask what the yield is looking like this year and if it looks like they’ll have to go to the waitlist. Couldn’t hurt.</p>

<p>thank you so much. </p>

<p>Well let me share my happy ending financial aid story!!!
I received a call from the AO my son had worked closely with at Kimball Union…</p>

<p>MODERATOR’S NOTE: I deleted remainder of post for privacy reasons.</p>

<p>Petition your offer or send the schools any matching or greater offers you received. You can get lucky!</p>

<p>That is a happy ending, congratulations!!</p>

<p>Congratulations, that must feel so wonderful! </p>