Help me help my 2023 Twins - PG/post grad year? College?

I want to thank everyone who ever commented on this thread, and to CC for hosting such great, informative, open forums. We have yet to decide where the girls are going (meaning, they’re going to revisit days but Mom and Dad are all in on one choice but we’ll try to keep our noses out of it for now) but after a gut-wrenching M10 (explained a bit more here–The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread - #1553 by SoCalMomOfFour2) I returned to this conversation to re-read your words of wisdom.

They really helped calm me down. The thing I had gotten stuck in my head was splitting them up for next year, but then their admissions came back, and one of the few schools they’d both applied to gave them both spots with great aid. So we are suddenly rethinking the separation thing, because money doesn’t grow on trees, KWIM?

As we navigate revisits (and seeing their adult sister for spring break, who I think can talk them down from any ledge) the collective wisdom of CC mamas and papas will be part of our journey.

Thank you all so very much.