Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

My daughter was expected to accept her admission at Purdue by May 1, 2021. She accepted and paid the fee on April 29th. She was accepted for Fall session however, when she clicked her status on Monday May 3rd she found out that she was rejected for no response.

I reached out to the university admissions, gave them screenshots of the acceptance. While they accepted that this has happened because of a glitch on their side, they refused to reinstate her stating that they no longer have any seats left.

I’d appreciate any suggestions about what I can do in this situation. If there are any other students at Purdue in similar situation, please reach out to me via this thread.

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You should have a receipt for the deposit payment, with date.


I have it, I shared it with them, the still refused to reinstate. They stated that they already have too many students and can’t reinstate even if the fault is on their side.

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I would escalate to higher ups at Purdue. Shame on Purdue!


If they are overenrolled, that makes one wonder if this wasn’t a mistake. I agree with escalating.

And I’d also contact the high school counselor to see if there’s anything they can do.


I’d escalate too. Here’s the link to the higher ups with their emails:


I escalated to their dean of admissions yesterday, they have not responded. I called again today morning, their counselor informed me that they wish best for my daughter’s future, they agree that the glitch was on their side but there is nothing they can do.


Thanks for this link, I will escalate to these individuals immediately. Many Thanks!!!


Good luck. That is total crap!

I’m not one to get lawyers involved but in this case, I’d threaten legal action as you deposited in good faith, on time, and it’s too late now to go somewhere else.


good suggestion, I am going to use this as last resort.

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Wow. That’s absolutely ridiculous. Their offer and your payment should be a contract.


What a nightmare! Purdue is a public university. Is she in-state for Purdue? If so, I suggest that you contact your state representative, and your state senator. I have a feeling that they will take care of this issue for you. Purdue has to answer to some state commissioner of higher education. Sorry that they messed up, but they cannot do this to your daughter. If you are out of state, I suggest you contact your US rep’s office, and ask them to help through their colleague in the House from Indiana.


She is out of state. Thanks for your suggestions, I will reach out to US Rep’s office.

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Wow. I am so sorry. If you paid the deposit on time there is a legally enforceable contract. Be sure and remind them of this in any correspondence. They do not have the option to say there was a computer glitch if you have proof of payment. Do you have a verifiable charge on your credit card or out of your bank account?


While I paid via an echeck on April 29th, their system did not charge us immediately. The transaction showed up in my bank account on May 3rd. Can they use this to force their decision? On phone they did accept that their system was confused and that caused this delay

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Yes, I do have screenshot of acceptance and payment on April 29th. the money was taken out of my bank account on May 3rd. I provided them all of these and they still refused to reinstate.

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Another avenue would be to reachbout yo the media. This would make a juicy story, especially in a piece on the larger context of how covid has affected admissions.

(Because top schools were swamped with applications, had a presumably harder time estimating yield, and look, here’s a school that got yield wrong, and there’s an innocent teenager paying the price).


That is absolutely awful on their part! This same thing happened to my daughter yesterday at a different school (LMU), but as soon as she got someone on the phone they fixed it immediately and apologized… which is why Purdue should be doing now. I don’t care if they’re full, you held up your end and they need to hold up theirs.


If the rejection was in error, they should fix it. If the acceptance was in error, they aren’t obligated to honor it. Sorry it happened!

They accepted that the rejection was in error but said they have no way to fix it now. I am so upset at the lack of sensitivity on their part. This may be just one student for them, it is my daughter’s future that they are playing with