Homeless, didn't get in through the waitlist, have no where else to go, need advice

<p>Warning: Lots of complaining coming up ahead. I just need to vent, sorry.</p>

<p>Without getting into too many details, I'm homeless and dirt poor. I lived in foster care until I was 18 and then I lived with different friends, going from house to house each week. I live off of money I earn from odd jobs (babysitting, tutoring, gardening, etc.). The most valuable thing I have is this laptop I bought years ago when I still lived with my real parents.</p>

<p>I applied to MIT because I LOVE math and computer science, and I got waitlisted. I'm not an USAMO or USACO medalist, but my accomplishments were good enough for me to be considered by MIT.</p>

<p>I am an international student. I live in the US with no papers. I don't have parents. My friends will all be going to college soon. I won't have anywhere to live. I can't get a real job because I don't have citizenship or residency. I can't go to college because I haven't been accepted anywhere. I can't pay for rent somewhere and feed myself off of babysitting/tutoring money.</p>

<p>I don't know what to do, I'm so lost. My life has been so difficult, and it's hard enough just to keep going these past few years. It feels like right when I've gathered enough strength to stand up again, some angry god just kicks me back down. I can't write everything that's happened on a public forum. Bad things just happen to me left and right. I just feel so helpless.</p>

<p>I can't talk to my friends about this, not yet. Everyone expected me to get in.</p>

<p>I need a solution, I need a plan. Would e-mailing MIT even accomplish anything? Maybe they have ONE international kid who didn't enroll and that would leave a spot for me? I don't know, I'm desperate.</p>

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<p>Hi -</p>

<p>I am pretty sure I know who you are (initials T.C.?). I tried to leave you a message the other day. Maybe it didn’t get through. Send me an email - Chris dot Peterson at MIT dot edu. MIT isn’t going to happen this year (we aren’t taking anyone else for any reasons) but we can talk about what you can do to help get you some of the other support you need in your life. </p>

<p>Everything is going to be OK. You are awesome. I promise you that.</p>


<p>I’ll e-mail you right away!</p>

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<p>Major props to MIT, hope everything works out for the OP.</p>

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<p>Sending many good wishes to OP. Chris, what a thoughtful and likely life changing response.</p>

<p>So sorry to hear your situation. Ms Sun’s UC blog posted a list of schools that are still accepting applications accross the nation. Some public, some private. Although, it may not be MIT, you can still get into a school for next year. Each school’s contact info is listed. There are also a lot of scholarships for kids with your background. Maybe the MIT rep can help you get accepted into a school. Good luck!</p>

<p>What a caring institution! Though my son opted not to go to MIT because Caltech was a better match for undergrad for his personality, we both really love MIT as well. I am literally tearing up reading the kind response from MIT. It is a real test of character to reach out to those who are out if resources when you have no obligation to do so.</p>

Update to say that OP graduated from (another) college today, and I got to see her walk :slight_smile:


This is so awesome I’m almost in tears. It’s nice to hear happy endings!

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This is so touching <3

MITChris, God bless you! You changed someone’s life. Thank you so much for coming back to let us know. Thisisthais must be a remarkable young person, all the best to him/her. Congrats!

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Thank you Chris. This is really inspiring.

Oh wow, at first I didn’t realize this thread was from 2012. My heart hurt for this student. Then my heart was touched by MIT. Then my heart rejoiced at the victory at the end!

Thank you CC and MIT. <3

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^Same. This thread had an awesome story, buildup, and ending all which happened in the span of a couple minutes lol.

@MITChris I’m at work trying not to cry. I also read the post not realizing it was 4 years old, and to then read the update was just amazing. You really did make a difference in someone’s life, although I’m sure this is probably one of many times.

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This.Is.Amazing. I have goosebumps. Thank you so much for the update, @MITChris.

Hate to sound like a broken record but I too didn’t realize the original post was from 2012 and was so moved a few threads down with the update. @MITChris , if you ever communicate with the OP again, tell her there are so many wishing her well and are overcome by her story. Thank you for that uplifting gift today.

Thank you so much for the update @MITChris.
SO glad for the OP, too. :slight_smile:
Wishing all the best to the OP - it’d be cool if she gave us a little update, too. Where is she going next?

One support system can change someone’s life.I am relieved to hear of the wonderful ending to this story.

Great to see this update!