How can I start building a good foundation for getting into Ivy league colleges?

Publisher, yes, we’ll disagree, it’s fine.
I don’t hold to mere participation, either. Over time, I have generally suggested aiming for some impact- even small. And inclusion of some ECs “relevant” to college life or the college’s expectations. That’s not decorating valentines for the veterans. Very nice, but…

I see a good balance as the following, more or less, as needed and feasible. I think it offers some CYA, no matter one’s originating position.

  1. Things you do out of pure interest- hobbies, pleasures, exploring, whatever it is. Can be all sorts of things. Some of this is “life.” Maybe you end up not including all of it under Activities. But sure, engage your interests.

  2. Things related to the possible major, somehow… Some of this is vanilla experience (some call it testing or proving the academic interest.) Some is showing and practicing the mindset and skills. Easy is to note the pre-med who somehow works in some healthcare setting or joins some sort of local advocacy. (I wouldn’t call hanging at the senior center for an hour as a good example.) The stem kid who participates in math club or robotics. The kid who wants to study politics and did something with a rep or campaign (or advocacy.) Maybe you get a title, maybe not. “Not” doesn’t change the effort or value- to you and to the adcoms. It’s about that effort, what you pick up in the milieu, more or less. You don’t have to love a specific activity.

  3. Things that show your awareness of needs around you and the willingness to get involved, directly, when possible. Community service, the sort where you deal with those in need. Not sending notes or cookies and you remain at arm’s length. Not simply adding your name to some worldwide organization. I distinguish between community service and volunteer work.

I don’t think that’s harsh or denies a kid a real life. I think it’s an easy CYA or call it hedging your bets. It’s not manufacturing or misrepresenting. It doesn’t require forming your own non-profit and naming yourself CEO, lol. It’s vision, willingness, and follow-through. Frankly, so many kids miss this in their certainty it’s all about spike or best of show. Or all about the opposite: just doing what you pre-decide you want.

Ok? Said it.