How to manage drafts

Continuing the discussion from Difficulty posting…especially messages:

You can get a complete list of draft posts you have started by visiting your list of drafts. This can be found on your profile under Activity|Drafts:

From there you should be able to either resume the draft or delete it. (The delete icon is in the bottom right and is a little obscured because of the colors.) If you resume a draft, you can also pick “cancel”, which gives you an option to delete the draft.

@DeeCee36 Can you let me know if resuming or deleting your draft helps? If not, we might need to dig a little more to solve the issue.


I had five drafts or so saved at one point because I couldn’t post them. When I went to post the drafts, if I got the whirly circle instead of the post, the draft was actually deleted from my draft list. This happened to me a few times.

I saved drafts, and then when it looked like iI could post, I would try to post all of them. Sometimes it worked…and sometimes it didn’t.

I can’t seem to post. Keep getting a 502 error.

Of course this one went through ; )

Just for giggles I clicked the “open draft” button once again snd this time it …opened my draft! Hurrah! I discarded it and now have the ability to create a new post. Thank you for whatever it is that you did!