How to pick an engineering school?

Yikes, I hope you have a lot of time if you’re going to read my post! :joy: This is a shorter one I found helpful that gave a lot of similar feedback on schools: Non-stress culture engineering programs?

You can also just do a search with the school name and engineering and hopefully get some good info.

My D didn’t look into Lehigh but I’ve read good things about the school although I don’t know how well recommended it is for engineering versus the other schools on your list (the only negative feedback I recall was the surrounding area might not be great and it was hard to walk up the hills).

If he gets into Pitt Honors, I’ve heard that can help make the school feel smaller too?

That’s tough if he can’t attend Admitted Student days, but totally understand you’d want him to get that final sports experience as a senior since the last 2 years were so bad. My D hasn’t visited WPI and we were hoping she could attend their Admitted Students Day but looks like they conflict with robotics tournaments (which were also canceled the last 2 years :cry:). So we’ll probably try to visit another day and ask if she can sit in on classes or do other similar things to get to know the school better. Maybe you can do something similar on a second visit?

Also for WPI like eyemgh said I thought the non-STEM offerings seemed better than I initially expected, though not of the breadth or caliber of some of the others. I got some feedback on this issue here: Feedback on WPI

Your tour experience makes me so sad as we also love the WPI community so far. I get that you don’t want to overly influence your son but I’d hate him for him to walk away based on one tour guide. Maybe he can ask on the WPI reddit or other forums and chat more with current students?

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