Howard University BS/MD Program 2015-2016

Hi! I’m a high school senior from NYC who’s very interested in this program. Looking for other seniors who are applying this cycle as well as students who are in the program, or alumni of the program who can give us advice.

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Also applying! Did you hear back from general admissions yet?

No, that gets released like late December. I applied EA to Howard , however I applied ED to Penn

Kind of a late reply but I applied to this program. Anyone know if there’s a quota for races like Asian/white/other who get into the program?

My daughter has a friend in this program whom I met. She said it is a very small program and quite diverse. Many Indians, some Asians and African Americans. They are a close group apparently. I doubt there’s a quota, just a group of top kids who are chosen. Congratulations.

Do you find out whether you’ve been accepted before May 1st?

No you find out afterwards :smiley:


Thanks for the info! That makes me feel a bit better, but honestly, is this med program just as competitive as the rest? I read that the average gpa and sat scores for candidates coming in were lower than those at most BS/MD, which could mean a better chance for me, and not be like those ridiculously difficult programs where people with perfect stats are rejected. Sigh. I really don’t want to get rejected because I can totally see myself in this program. It would really be like winning the lottery if I got in, and complete heartbreak if I don’t. :confused:

Aaaaaaah got interview notification today!! Woweeee

@cookiestar Congratulations! Will the program be the icing on the cake if you get it, but you would attend regardless or are you waiting to see if you get into the program to decide? I am sure that you have many good college options!

I too received an interview notification.


Thank you so much!! This is very exciting and stressful all at once. I would attend regardless. You have to commit to Howard before the interview :stuck_out_tongue: which is alright by me.

I also got an interview. Does anyone know what percentage of people from the interview they take?

In 2014 125 applied for the program, 25 were invited to interview, and 15 enrolled. Assuming not everyone invited went to the interview, and not everyone accepted went to Howard, the odds look quite well.

How were everyone’s interviews? I got my fingers crossed. They asked me a lot of study questions

@cookiestar What do you mean by study questions?

They asked me how I prepared for the SAT, what I’d do if I got a c in a class (specifically orgo), if I like studying in groups, and if I’ve ever had a class I really struggled with

They asked me the same questions lol. Do you know when we hear back?

I was asked similar questions.
What I wanted to specialize in, who my best friend was, what traits I would tell them to convince them to let me in, what I would do if I got a d on a test, what other colleges I applied to (and what other programs similar to bs/md I did), whether I would still attend Howard if I didn’t get in and why, about me in general (family, siblings, culture), what a character flaw of mine was and what doctors do I look up to.

It went well I feel. I had some pauses here and there. My biggest mistake was not remembering the doctor who worked on a study I recounted to them as an example of what interested me in my field. I have some hope.

No idea when we hear back.

As of May 17th, I was accepted into Howard’s BS/MD program.

Though the letter just came in the mail today.