Inside Medicine. What Are You Seeing? [COVID-19 medical news]

Comparison of immune responses to different vaccines, including Novavax trial (NN) as well as Pfizer (PP), Moderna (MM), and J&J (J) (two doses each except one dose for J&J). Also, comparison to infected (I) for some aspects.

Approximate rankings from graphs:

Aspect of immune response Response to different vaccines
Spike IgG antibodies MM, PP > I > NN > J
RBD IgG antibodies MM, PP > NN > I, J
Pseudovirus neutralization MM > PP, NN > I, J
CD4+ T-cells MM, NN > PP > J > I
CD4+ T-cells (cTfh) NN > MM, PP > I > J
CD8+ T-cells J, MM > PP > NN
Spike memory B-cells PP, MM > J > NN
RBD memory B-cells MM > PP > J, NN