Interview for '24 Applicants

Hi guys, if you haven’t seen my thread (Chance me for GLADCHEMMS Schools), I’m an international student applying for BS to go in the fall of 2024. I had a quick question on interviews; it seems tough to schedule them, as I can’t see any info on applying for an in-person interview at a time other than July or August. Gateway hasn’t opened yet, so I don’t know if it’s on there. Any help from someone that knows how to apply for an in-person interview later this year would be much appreciated!

Is it possible that the calendars for September have not yet opened?

You can email the schools and let them know in what month you’ll be traveling and ask when dates in that month will be available.

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My daughter applied from overseas last year. She was only visiting schools in the early summer and most of them were not available for interviews at that time and actually, a couple of them opened the campus just for us because it was a vacation week for the staff (one admissions person drove several hours each way from her vacation to tour us around!).

She was able to get an in-person interview with two schools when they came to a nearby city for a US boarding school showcase.

If I am remembering her timeline correctly, she visited schools in June and then followed up with them later in the summer. I think August/early September to inquire about interviews. I don’t know when, exactly, you’ll be traveling to visit schools, but this is a great question to ask directly to the international recruiter/admissions person at each school. Let them know when you’ll be in their area and ask if having an interview at that time would be possible and how to go about scheduling it.


A lot of the schools did not open up their fall interviewing schedule until after school was underway. Some posted when the calendar/sign up would be available while others were quite delayed.


Great advice @RoonilWazlib99. I’m sure most schools the OP is looking at have someone dedicated to international applicants. I remember nothing opening (in-person tours that is) for US applicants until after the 4th, and then it was almost impossible to get a tour in the summer b/c they filled up so fast. Most tours happen once school starts. We list in CA and all the schools came out here, which is where we had our 10 Schools interview. It was very convenient. We could not get an interview in the summer… doesn’t work like that I guess (at least for us). Anyone reading this should always check THE MORNING to see when the schools post tour dates. I know Andove was super sly about this… even when I called to try to schedule something I could only do it online and only when they released them… it was a crapshoot. They didn’t care if we were traveling 3k miles away. It was catch as catch can.

@DrPrimo May i know what The Morning is ? thank you

For us, I woke up at 5 am PST to try to be one of the first ones to snag a spot. and I missed it several times. Neve got a tour of Exeter and Andover but was able to snag a tour everywhere else. As I said earlier, I did have to call a few places to see if anyone dropped out or canceled. That helped too. It’s crazy out there. Good luck!

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Hi all. We are just starting out journey. I was wondering if my DS can do some interviews when 10 schools tour around the country . We visited a couple schools in summer. Also visited Boston schools last spring break. But will go there for the interview and tours. Choate has summer tours and will only do virtual interviews, in the interest of equity which is nice.
Al’s when we go there we could see the facilities at other schools in the area. Any pros and cons of virtual interviews if you have already see the school. Thanks

Hi @GPS - We live overseas and my daughter visited all her schools in person over the summer and then did two interviews when school reps came to our country. The rest of the interviews were done via Zoom. The in-person interviews were definitely the best and my daughter said they felt much more comfortable and natural. She was accepted to all the schools where she applied, but she preferred in-person interviews over video ones.


The Ten Schools tour throughout the country, and most interview in person there. As far as Choate goes, they have a ‘meet and greet’ with students and parents at these Ten School events, but it is not a formal interview. We did both: the meet and greet and the online interview. We also interviewed in person with 3-4 other schools while they were in town (several times between Sept-Jan).
I know Exeter and Choate also have private events for their applicants not related to The Ten Schools (I’m sure other schools do as well. You can find out on their website or after September reach out to the AO and ask). We went to those as well.
DS got into both. So, if these schools take the time to come within 2 hours of your town… you had better show up. They give great advice about the application and are very open about answering questions about the process. We learned a lot. Bottom line: if you can make eye contact in person throughout this process, make sure and do that! Good luck!!

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Thank you @DrPrimo and @RoonilWazlib99 . We did go to the summer tours at a couple schools. Choate said they only do virtual interviews for the sake of equity. The school had great facilities and was impressed by their programs. The students we met were very friendly and complimentary of the community there. I appreciate your advice and look forward to more information as we proceed along this path

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But don’t forget, Choate does talk to kids AND parents in person when they visit your town. When they came to the West Coast we had a 20 min. informal meeting on top of the in-person formal interview. Keep that in mind. The more in-person touchpoints with admissions staff, the better. Good luck!

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Thanks @DrPrimo . I have a specific question. May I DM you

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You bet!!

I was wondering what kind of financial statements are needed if you don’t need financial aid. Also when do they need these before or after acceptance
Thank you

None needed.

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No financial statements are needed if you are paying without aid. You just need to pay the deposit and sign your life away (lol). You will get options to pay - I think it is the same at most schools: 1x payment, 2x, or monthly. There is also tuition insurance which some schools require.
Hope that helps

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Thank you both.

Any idea if Hotchkiss and Choate give applicants access to a portal, where we can see if they have all the requirements for the application?


They do.

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