Introducing our new CC moderators

After a thorough vetting process, we’re exciting to introduce @Lindagaf, @Sue22, and @xraymancs as the new College Confidential moderators. @Sue22 and @xraymancs have previously served as Forum Champs, while @Lindagaf is a long term, extremely helpful contributor. Welcome to the team, guys!

LATER EDIT: I’m happy to announce that @happy1 has now officially joined the team, too.

LATER EDIT: I’m happy to announce that @Kenneth1960 has now officially joined the team, too. He has previously served as a Forum Champ for Harvard.

I also want to thank the other members who expressed interest. The vetting process was difficult, but we had to narrow it down to just a few. We are continuing the recruitment effort, so PM me if you are interested.

Congrats to all!

Thank you to those volunteering!!!

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Three great posters who add a lot of value! Congrats! and thanks for doing it, @Lindagaf, @Sue22 and @xraymancs (who was particularly helpful to collegekid#2 when collegemom was out of her depth!)

Thanks! I think I can speak for all three of us when I say we’ll do our best to be fair and evenhanded in the tradition of the past and current CC moderators.

Thank you for volunteering !

Congrats guys! Thanks for your contributions to the community!

Will the new moderators be issuing “get out-of-jail-free” cards ?

If so, how do we get on the list ?

@Publisher Haha how often are you in the CC jail?

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