Is it a unicorn? Average grades, average SAT, & a strong sailing program?

Linked is a list of 4-year colleges that have sailing programs and are less selective. There are over 100 names here, so there might be something to suit your son, depending on whatever other criteria you have. Additional research would obviously be needed to see the extent of the sailing programs. (FYI: Don’t know why “research” is linking to that site as I didn’t link it.)

Here are two other links that might prove useful:

I think the schools below would all have strong sailing programs and your son would have a reasonable shot at acceptance (categorized according to my fallible sense of his chances):

Extremely Likely (90%+)

  • Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Likely (60-90%)

  • Eckerd (FL)
  • Washington College (MD)
  • Maine Maritime Academy
  • Roger Williams (RI)
  • Salve Regina (RI)
  • Hampton (VA)
  • Old Dominion (VA)

Possible (25-55%)

  • Hobart & William Smith (NY)
  • Rollins (FL)
  • St. Mary’s College of Maryland
  • SUNY Maritime
  • College of Charleston (SC)

Unlikely (Less than 25%)

  • U. of South Florida
  • St. John’s College (MD)
  • Christopher Newport (VA)

Two other names I came across that I wanted to call out were Jacksonville (Extremely Likely) and Monmouth (Likely).