Is it even worth EDing JHU and crapshooting with such poor academics?

If your AP scores were not favorable to your application, then I think that your chances just became slimmer. Hopkins’ admissions team would probably want to know why you’ve taken 11 APs already and aren’t submitting any scores. They will probably make assumptions that are not in your favor.

I also just reread the thread you linked, and if your family wants you to take out a private loan from them to cover 2-years of JHU…that is a TON of money. And you’re thinking about medical school on top of that? Not only is the cost of medical school super high (big educational loans are one of the biggest problems for new doctors), but it will be extremely challenging to have the grades necessary there to get into medical school. You’ve taken AP bio, AP physics (1 & 2), AP Calc, AP Statistics, and none of the AP scores are ones that you want to submit. I strongly suspect that most of your JHU classmates will have earned 4s and 5s on those tests, and huge chunks of them are going to be pre-med as well. In science classes where there is often a curve, that does not bode well for you earning the types of grades you need at JHU for medical school.

Based off the two factors above, I would strongly reconsider EDing at JHU. You might get in, although it is probably an even longer shot than the overall admissions rates indicate. But, what I fear, is what will happen if you DO get in. If you’re really wanting to go to medical school, I’m not sure that Johns Hopkins is going to get you there, and even if it does, it will have saddled you with years of extra debt that you don’t need.