Is this Sophomore on track for T20s and OxBridge?

OP- I’ve got two concrete pieces of advice for you (since you asked for concrete).

1- Make schoolwork your A priority for now. Despite what you may have heard about EC’s, standing out, being unique, having a story to tell, at the end of the day, US universities are primarily educational institutions. Having a solid academic background (taking each class seriously, asking questions when you don’t understand, doing all the homework, even the boring stuff, acing every test) is the single most important qualification for a US university. So start taking your schoolwork seriously. Covid, online, bored, not challenging, school too easy and other students mediocre- not relevant. Focus and start to learn.

2- Forget about college. Make yourself a popup reminder (or use a red magic marker on a physical calendar) and mark September 15th 2023 as the next time you are going to think about college. Between now and then you are going to become the best version of you that you can possibly be. That means academics (above), volunteering for only causes that you really care about, spending time on music if that’s what you love, etc. Someone wants you raising money for refugees from a part of the world you aren’t interested in? Say no thanks. Doesn’t matter what kind of essay you could write about it-- focus on what you care about, what makes you YOU and not what other people think you should be doing. Finish what you start by doing only the things you care about instead of starting five things which are hanging out there. Don’t sit around wondering how to find a mentor- either get cracking, if it’s important to you, or drop that activity from your list.

People tend to complete the things they care about. I see your procrastination and the list of “I plan to” or “I haven’t yets” as signs that these are not things you care about. So stop worrying about college and start becoming YOU.

I promise you will find a college which is challenging and broadening and provides you meaningful intellectual challenge. But you have to stop making “finding a college” your goal in life. It’s not helping you.

Is that concrete enough?