Let's try something new for long threads

Editor’s note: Many people read this as a suggestion to handle all long threads or to put the entire Parents Cafe in one thread. The first is not what I meant, but I can see why people read it that way. Re-reading, I see I wasn’t clear on that point. I’m mostly trying to figure out how the make the COVID-19 threads work. But also future proof the site for when this news item is blessedly in the past. The idea is to have a place for the conversations similar to those threads.

As for the second, I agree that is insane. It never crossed my mind that anyone would think that would be a good idea. Hopefully that’s a comfort?

Hi all!

Remember when I wrote about the long coronavirus threads? That was just last week! There were 290 replies and I learned a ton. My biggest takeaways are:

  1. The theme change hurt site navigation considerably.
  2. People really like having space to have intelligent conversation with each other.
  3. We’re sending mixed signals about moderation.

Someone recently pointed me to a Medium post called “The Worst Rebrand in the History of Orange Juice” about Tropicana:

That probably sounds familiar, unfortunately. So we’re starting to bring back features of the previous design that might seem old-fashioned but really did help people navigate the site. In response I announced an index of all the forums on one page. There are a lot of other things we need to fix, but this is looking like a step in the right direction from your feedback.

Believe it or not, I also want to make sure the conversations continue on the site. In community building terminology these threads act as a third place where people can relax with their friends. Many people reported coming back every day specifically to see what other people were talking about. This is how life-long friendships are developed and these spaces are becoming rare in American society. During stay-at-home orders they are virtually non-existent except via the internet.

These conversations are, by nature, a little more loose than what we hope to see on the forums in general. So it makes sense that they will be moderated a little differently. So here’s my plan for the month of May:

  • Someone who wants to host the thread will start one called “May 2020 Chat” in the Parents Cafe. I’ll close the existing thread and add a final post linking to the next thread. The name makes clear the topic is free to roam around and that it’s limited to a particular time. For the foreseeable future I’m afraid the topic will be COVID-19, but hopefully there will be a month in the future where that won’t be the topic. And it should be easy enough for people to find the new thread if they’ve been active on the old one.
  • Chat threads have relaxed moderation. I’d rather people didn’t post entire news articles, but you can quote more than normal. “Off-topic” isn’t really a thing there either.
  • Please avoid political debate. If that happens, I’m encouraging moderators to just delete overtly political replies without warning. If it gets bad, I’ll step in to give a stern warning. We don’t want this to be a place people feel uncomfortable in.
  • Obviously rude and abusive behavior is not tolerated. Respect each other.

I’d like to try this approach for May and see how it works. If it allows these conversations to continue and isn’t a burden on the moderators, I think we’ll have a good framework to use in the future. If it doesn’t meet those goals, we can try something else in June.

If someone starts the next thread, let me know in the replies below so I can link to it when I close the existing thread. Also, I’d appreciate that thread having a link to this one and a short summary of what’s expected. Thanks!

I don’t get it. Are you saying there can only be one thread in the Parent Cafe? And when you say you’ll close the existing thread and link to the new one, what’s the existing thread? This is the only forum I visit so maybe you’re describing something that’s common in other forums? Maybe you’re saying just that one thread will be lightly moderated but the rest of the Cafe will go on as usual?

I’m assuming we’ll still have the more topic specific threads like Exercise, Travel problems, Say it Here etc? The Chat is just for sort of a current events thing???

@CCadmin_Jon I’m not sure I understand what you mean.

I’m being totally honest and saying I have no idea what you mean @CCadmin_Jon .

You’re going to need to be more specific - can you use a current particular thread as an example to give us a better idea?

I’m confused (and scared) about a “May 2020” thread - for anything. Are you saying for instance:
Today there is an April 2020 Say It… thread - it continues on for as many posts/pages as it gains in April 2020.
Tomorrow is May 2020 - so the April 2020 Say It thread gets closed and a new thread “May 2020 Say It…” thread starts?

Also I’ll ask if possible @CCadmin_Jon that you answer these initial questions as quick as you are able.

I’m talking about [Coronavirus: What are You doing ( if anything) to prepare/ What are you personally observing?](Coronavirus: What are You doing ( if anything) to prepare/ What are you personally observing? - Parent Cafe - College Confidential Forums) and opening a new general discussion thread with looser moderation than normal.

ONLY that thread? And on that thread you would do as I explained in post #4 in this thread??? All other threads stay the same??? (for May 2020 anyway)

If I’m understanding your proposal, it’s a good thought, Jon, but it’s what the Parent Cafe itself was designed to be. All threads in the Parent Cafe, not just one, are supposed to be relaxing places where the parents can come chat about whatever’s on our minds. But it’s the thread topics that catch our eye and determine if we stop or not. Most people aren’t likely to stop on one called “May.”

It depends on whether these can be effectively moderated. The COVID threads with thousands of replies aren’t. This is an attempt to try something that might work for the “news of the day”. If you want me to close those other threads, I guess I could. :wink:

Side note: those emoticons are so small I don’t know if that’s a “wink” that you are joking or a “smile”…

Yes, @abasket . That’s the idea. What’s scary about it? (I mean beyond the already scary prospect of threads with thousands of replies, of course. :wink:

“That’s the idea”

What? What is the idea? For every Parent Cafe thread - or just for the Corona: What Are You Doing thread???

How about the same title…part 2. First post would like part 1.

Then next one would be same title part 3. First post would link parts 1 and 2.

I don’t have an issue with long threads, at all. There are a bunch of them, and I just don’t see this as an issue.

I guess I’m saying, don’t fix what isn’t broken. Just leave it alone.

ETA…I started the Bragging Thread a while ago. It now has 4000 posts, I think. Every so often I go back and read them all. It’s such a cheery thread with so many cheery updates.

The Instantpot recipe thread has a gazillion posts too. Every so often I look back through that for an idea.

In both of these examples, I would not want to have to search through multiple threads.

I am also very confused. I just still don’t see how all long threads are necessarily that big a deal. Most long threads in the Parent Cafe exist because they must be meeting the needs of the users of this site.

We at least start with a specific topic, even if it goes in another direction entirely after a while. At that point, if some object, they ask the offenders to start a new thread. And that usually happens without any problem.

The May thread sounds like jym’s random question thread. That is a good thread that already serves the purpose you propose, if I understand correctly.

You can’t plan a megathread. They just sometimes happen. imho


Sometimes when new posters have joined a megathread after hundreds of thousands of posts, they’ve said. "I didn’t see how you could all still be talking about (thread title) and we weren’t, but that was fine because everyone participating was satisfied with the current discussion.

Jon, you seem to be the one that considers long threads scary. Users don’t. Users have reported feeling fine with them, even enjoying them (hence the length).

It seems preferable to let threads happen organically, as needed and desired. Why not just try a month of reduced moderation for the Parent Cafe on a trial basis for May and see how that goes?

Let’s draw up a scenario - maybe that can help us understand what/how/why you want this change:

I’m making up the number below:
In March/April/May 2020 the Corona What Are You Doing thread racks up 2000 responses. Moderators need to review these 2000 responses as March/April/May moves along on the calendar.

New Idea:
March 2020 - the Corona thread racks up 500 responses to be moderated. March 31 this thread is locked and a new April Corona thread is started.
April 2020 - the Corona thread racks up 500 responses to be moderated. May 1 this thread is locked.

May 1 2020 a new Corona thread racks up 1000 responses to be moderated. June 1 this thread gets locked. And so on.

Either way, you are moderating 2000 responses over the same amount of time.

I have wasted hours and hours in the cafe since 2007, and I have yet to see a thread that is too long. :slight_smile: Why exactly is it problematic to have a thread with a gazillion posts?

I love our megathreads