Locked Threads

I hope this is the right place to make this comment. I feel like recently, many threads are being locked not becuase there is any misconduct, but only because the moderators believe that the subject has been covered, or because they veer off topic. Many of these threads were quite interesting and I was sorry to see them shut down. I wish that the threads could be given a little more leeway to allow the conversation to flow. Of course, if the threads turn nasty or violate TOS that is a different matter.

I agree. Threads are being closed just when they are getting interesting. I would love to see them play out.

Often these threads veer into totally different topics and go on for page after page after page.

I agree with @gallentjill. Some threads meander a little, but if they aren’t nasty or violating TOS it would be nice if they could remain open. This is a community, and sometimes we like to chat.

I agree and it doesn’t just seem to happen to long threads. Is there a way to complain other than just PMing the mod who closes the thread?


As in any business, that should always be your first course of action; In real life, I don’t escalate up the chain of command before taking this step. Personally, if a valid reason is presented, I will reopen. But a valid reason is not “I want to continue to discuss.”

On certain threads, particularly in the cafe, I do allow the discussion to meander a bit, but when it gets too far off-topic, I will attempt to rein it in. And to be clear, off-topic posts are against the forum rules.

Additionally, per Terms of Service:

Therefore, since this thread is in violation, I am closing.

MODERATOR’S NOTE: I will also add that we try hard to leave threads open. We usually don’t act until we get multiple complaints from users. You also don’t see all the posts we have to delete when threads go off-topic and people start debating. Having to cull through posts to keep a thread open is VERY time-consuming. Inevitably, we will then get complaints such as, “You deleted MY post and left THAT one? I can’t believe the uneven moderating on this site!” Please keep that in mind when you see that we’ve closed a thread.

MODERATOR’S NOTE: See post #32 in this thread: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/parent-cafe/2083947-roseanne-canceled.html#latest